World Obesity Day: Here are some tips to maintain a healthy weight

The World Health Organization has defined obesity as ‘abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health’

Representational image. AFP

World Obesity Day is observed on 4 March every year to raise awareness about the issue of obesity and how it can be tackled. The day also highlights the stigma associated with the condition and aims to create an environment where obesity is prioritised as a health issue.

The day is marked by the World Obesity Federation. The Federation aims to create an environment where obesity can be discussed without stigma and greater attention is paid to its harmful effects on health.

The World Health Organization has defined obesity as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health”. The condition can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and many more diseases.

Obesity is measured by Body Mass Index. While the condition is often linked genetic, biological and environmental factors, trying your best to maintain a healthy weight can reduce your chances of becoming obese.

This World Obesity Day, here are some tips to maintain a healthy weight:

Cut out refined carbohydrates from your diet: Try to reduce your intake of processed foods. Avoid food products which contain too much sugar and cheese. Try to switch to alternatives such as oats biscuits, which will make you feel full for longer periods of time.

Eat at regular intervals: Make sure you eat at regular intervals as it can reduce your chances of overeating. Many people follow the idea of three meals, with two small snacks each day. Also ensure that you partake a balanced diet as far as possible.

Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can: Ensure that fruits and vegetables make up at least half of your plate at meal times. Be it a fresh salad or some other recipe, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet can ensure that you get a lot less calories. It will also help male your meals more nutritious.

Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is one way to keep yourself healthy. Make sure you drink enough water before any meal as it can help slow down your eating and make you feel full even if you have consumed less calories.

Exercise regularly: Brisk walking or any other form of exercise can help you shed calories easily and help maintain a healthy weight.

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