World Laughter Day: Here’s how laughing benefits your health

The day was first celebrated on 10 May 1998, when Dr Madan Kataria, a family doctor in Mumbai was inspired to start the Laughter Yoga Movement

Image via Shutterstock/fizkes

The first Sunday in the month of May is celebrated as World Laughter Day annually. This year, World Laughter Day falls on 1 May. With its annual observance, the day aims to make people realise the value of laughter in their lives.

The day was first celebrated on 10 May 1998, when Dr Madan Kataria, a family doctor in Mumbai was inspired to start the Laughter Yoga Movement.

Dr Kataria, the founder of the Worldwide Laughter Yoga Movement was inspired by the facial feedback hypothesis, which postulated that the facial expressions of individuals have an impact on their emotions.

We are often told that laughter is the best medicine. This is because laughing has many healing benefits. As laughter brings down stress levels, it also promotes the overall well-being of individuals.

Here are some benefits of laughing out loud:

1. Laughter enhances the intake of oxygen-rich air and stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles. It also increases endorphins that are released by the brain.

2. Laughing can aid in soothing tension by stimulating circulation and helping in muscle relaxation.

3. Positive thoughts and laughter can help in boosting an individual’s immune system by releasing neuropeptides that aid in fighting stress and potentially serious illnesses.

4. It also helps in relieving pain as the body produces its natural painkillers while laughing.

5. Laughter can help in dealing with difficult situations, thereby, increasing the personal satisfaction of people. It also helps in forming a connection with other individuals.

6. Laughter can uplift your mood. It can help in reducing stress, depression and anxiety, thereby, making an individual feel happier. It also helps in improving self-esteem.

7. It also lowers stress hormones and helps in improving the function of blood vessels, thereby, improving heart health.

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