WhatsApp chats can now be moved from Android to iOS, here’s how to move your chats to a new iPhone

A few months ago, WhatsApp introduced the ability to move entire chat histories from iPhone to Android. Mark Zuckerberg has now announced that from now on transferring WhatsApp data from an Android phone to an iPhone will also be a possibility, with users getting the option to photos, videos, and voice messages as well, when they upgrade handsets.  

There are some requirements that need to be met in order to get this done. The Android phone should be running Android 5 Lollipop at the very least, while the iPhone should be running on at least iOS 15.5 for the transfer to work, using the Move to iOS app.

Furthermore, the Android phone must be running build number or higher of WhatsApp, while the iOS version should be on version of the app.

Another crucial step is that the iPhone has to be new, or should have been factory reset for the Move to iOS app to do its job. 

Finally, both the phones should be connected to a power source while the transfer is happening, and they must also be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. 

The only limitation of this transfer process is that users won’t be able to transfer peer-to-peer payment messages and WhatsApp’s call history.

Here’s how to use the Move to iOS app and transfer your WhatsApp chats from an Android device to an iOS device.

 Prepare both of your new devices by plugging them into a charging socket. Furthermore, ensure that the iOS device you will be using is new or has been factory reset. Both of your devices need to be on the same WiFi network.

Download and launch the Move to iOS app on your Android device and follow the instructions and prompts until you reach the page that says “Find Your Code.”
On your iPhone, proceed with the device setup as you normally would until you reach the Apps & Data page. On this page, select “Move Data from Android.”
After selecting the Move Data from Android option on your iPhone, you will see a code that you need to enter on your Android phone.

Once you have entered the code, the two devices get paired. You should now land on the Transfer Data screen on the Android phone. Here, select WhatsApp, along with all the other apps and data you wish to move. 
Now tap the “Continue” button on the Android device to start the data migration.

Once the transfer is over, you will see the Transfer Complete screen on your iPhone. Hit the Continue Setting Up iPhone button to finish the process and get your iPhone ready.
When the setup is finally over, you will see a prompt to download the iOS versions of the apps that were installed on your Android phone, including WhatsApp. You can also dismiss this, head over to the App Store, and download the latest version of WhatsApp and any other app on your iPhone.
Once the messaging app has been installed, log in using the same phone number that it was linked to on the Android phone.
After the login process has been handled via the OTP system, hit the start button. The app will automatically start unpacking all of the data that was transferred and will show it in the right places, including your WhatsApp chat history from the Android device.

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