Watch: Public bus skids on snow-covered road in Canada, collides with nearby car

Snow-covered roads or highways may seem beautiful from a distance but can pose a serious challenge to drivers who are controlling a heavy vehicle like a truck or bus. Though the surface can look clear and easy to drive past, a momentary concentration break on the slippery condition can lead to life-threatening accidents. Recently, a similar situation transpired on a snow-clad local street in the Canadian city of Coquitlam where a public transport bus lost control and crashed into an adjacent car. However, fortunately, there were no injuries reported as a consequence of the incident. A clip of the same was uploaded by a woman named Amber D’Amico on Twitter.

The event was caught on a house camera by the road. The video opens in a locality that can be said to be entirely hidden under the white cover of snow. A number of cars were there in the street and they were running slowly without trying to overtake each other. At that moment, a public bus was attempting to take a turn when a four-wheeler was approaching from the other direction.

The bus somehow managed to dodge the car but its back wheels went out of control and skidded on the icy plane. In an effort to prevent any fatal accident, the driver tried to control the steering at his best but the rear portion had brief contact with a nearby vehicle. However, the collision caused no harm to anyone and the passengers inside the bus were also not affected, Vancouver City News reported.

The caption of the video read, “What a mess in Coquitlam this morning.” Since being uploaded on Twitter, it has received more than 1.2 million views so far and also accumulated thousands of likes on the microblogging site.

Earlier, another video went viral across the internet world where a semi-truck could be seen getting skidded out of control on an icy highway in Oklahoma. It collided with the cable barrier and stopped before having any contact with any other vehicle.

The incident was recorded by a trooper that was stationed nearby. The driver of the semi-truck did not suffer any injury but according to Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), the frontal portion of the truck was almost damaged.

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