The first phase of the Rs 856-crore Mahakaleshwar Temple corridor development project will be officially inaugurated on 11 October by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Among the many attractive designs of the soon-to-open corridor in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain include two towering entrances, a magnificent column of 108 ornate pillars made of beautifully carved sandstone, gushing fountains, and a running panel of over 50 murals portraying stories from the Shiv Puran. The design of the freshly-built corridor is inspired by Shiv Leela and it will be named Mahakal Lok, according to the state Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Shobha Karandlaje, has now shared some glimpses of the Mahakal Lok corridor with relevant information about the project on Twitter. The stunning preview of the corridor delighted internet users. The clip has received more than 40,000 views and has garnered over 2,500 likes so far, since being uploaded.
As one of the largest such corridors in India, the over 900-meter-long corridor stretches around the old Rudrasagar Lake, which has also been revitalised as part of the redevelopment project surrounding the historic Mahakaleshwar Temple, one of the “12 jyotirlingas” in the country that attracts pilgrims all year long.
The entrance of the corridor, which twists its way to the doorway of the old temple and provides stunning vistas along the way, has two imposing gateways, Nandi Dwar and Pinaki Dwar that are separated by a small distance. The structures that flank the corridor were constructed using sandstone that was obtained from the Bansi Paharpur region of Rajasthan. A majority of Rajasthani, Gujarati, and Odissan artisans and craftspeople focused on chiselling and decorating raw stones into beautiful pillars and panels.
While 108 pillars with decorative components on top and Trishul-style design are scattered along the hallway at regular intervals, CCTV cameras and public address systems have been tastefully integrated into them.
According to sources in the Madhya Pradesh government, the ambitious project, which started in 2017, aims to emphasise and re-evoke the ancient splendour of the historic city of Ujjain through the use of ancient temple architecture while offering all amenities to tourists and using cutting-edge technology to improve its physical and cultural value.
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