‘Mumbai’s MHB Police have registered a case against a 17-year-old youth under the Arms Act for cutting his birthday cakes with a sword. A video went viral on social media where he was seen cutting 21 cakes with a sword. The video is from Borivali area,’ said Mumbai Police in a statement.
FP Staff
September 19, 2022 09:46:34 IST
New Delhi: Mumbai Police have registered a case under the Arms Act against a 17-year-old boy for cutting his birthday cakes with a sword.
In a video going viral on social media, the boy can be seen cutting 20-21 cakes placed on a table with the sword as his friends and relatives cheer on.
“Mumbai’s MHB Police have registered a case against a 17-year-old youth under the Arms Act for cutting his birthday cakes with a sword. A video went viral on social media where he was seen cutting 21 cakes with a sword. The video is from Borivali area,” said Mumbai Police in a statement.
A case was registered after the video was tagged by a journalist to Mumbai Police’s Twitter handle.
Police tracked the 17-year-old and served him a notice.
“The minor committed the offence on Friday between 9pm-9.30pm. He was surrounded by friends with the cakes on a table. The video captured the minor slicing the cakes and celebrating his birthday,” a Times of India report quoted a police officer of MHB Colony as saying.
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