The jumbo is seen surrounded by a group of young people photographing him. While the elephant initially seems friendly, it soon becomes irked by all the attention
Representational image. WWF
While elephants are generally thought of as gentle creatures, they sure do have a temper. A young girl recently bore the brunt of a jumbo’s rage when she tried to photograph it using her mobile phone.
In a now-viral video of the incident, the jumbo is seen surrounded by a group of young people photographing him. While the elephant initially seems friendly, it soon becomes irked by all the attention. While a girl petting the animal’s trunk was spared, the tusker was not so generous with the girl taking pictures of it with her phone.
The elephant thrashed the phone with its trunk, hitting the girl in the process. As the crowd gathers to look at the girl’s injuries, the jumbo tries to maneuver its trunk to get the phone, which is now lying on the ground.
View the video here:
The clip has received over 5.2 lakh views to date. Users were left stunned by the jumbo’s rage. Here are some reactions:
A lot of people said that they had never seen an elephant do this.
Others wrote that the animals should be moved to a wildlife sanctuary.
Some wrote that they could sympathise with what the jumbo was feeling.
A few users compared the people photographing the tusker to paparazzi.
Some people also speculated that the elephant may have been annoyed by the camera’s infra-red light.
This is not the only time that a video showing an elephant raging against people has gone viral. In January this year, cameras captured a jumbo overturning a car with a family in it in South Africa. The family, which had gone on a wildlife safari, was driving along the road when the tusker appeared and angrily flipped their car. Luckily, they experienced minor injuries only.