According to the Andhra Pradesh Police, the rescue efforts also involved the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), Revenue department and swimmers
The Indian Air Force conducted a dramatic rescue yesterday, 19 November, in Andhra Pradesh to save the lives of 10 people who were stranded after heavy rainfall. The video of the hair-raising rescue has gone viral on social media.
According to the official account of the Andhra Pradesh Police, 10 people were stranded in the Chitravathi river in the state’s Anantapur district. The video shows the people clinging perilously to a JCB earthmover as they are surrounded by water.
The people were rescued by a Mi-17 chopper of the Indian Air Force (IAF). The clip shows the one person using a zipline thrown by the chopper to be transported to the helicopter safely, while others await their turn.
The video has garnered over 8,000 views since it was posted yesterday. According to the Andhra Pradesh Police, the rescue efforts also involved the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), Revenue department and swimmers. The department also thanked the IAF for their help.
According to news reports, the people were stranded due to flash floods which washed away their car and led to water spilling over to the road, thus stranding the people.
Initially, an earthmover was brought in to rescue them, but the efforts failed as heavy inflows of water made it impossible for the earthmover to move.
Seeing the tense situation, the local authorities contacted Thopudurthi Prakash Reddy , the MLA of the area, who in turn got in touch with Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy. The Chief Minister got in touch with the Air Force officials for the rescue mission.
According to reports, Andhra Pradesh has witnessed heavy rainfall, which has led to the deaths of at least 17 people. According to NDTV, at least 100 people have been reported missing as well.
Many people have been reported to be stranded and rescue operations are in full swing to help them out.