According to reports, Delhi Police later announced that they had apprehended the accused and charged him with rash driving and causing death by negligence
An elderly man was run over by a car in Ghaziabad yesterday, 30 March. A video of the incident, captured on CCTV, shows the vehicle fleeing the scene after hitting the man. The chilling video of the hit-and-run has gone viral.
The clip shows an elderly man moving to sit on a chair outside his house. But as he moves towards the chair, a car enters the narrow lane and hits the man. The vehicle then flees the scene, leaving the man lying wounded on the road.
Have a look at the video here:
The victim has alleged that his neighbours were involved in the hit-and-run due to a six-month-long dispute between them. Following the incident, the man has filed a complaint against his neighbours. According to reports, police are conducting an investigation into the matter. This is not the only hit-and-run that took place in Delhi-NCR yesterday. Another such incident took place yesterday morning in the national capital. According to The Indian Express, the incident occurred in Delhi on Wednesday morning when an SUV hit a 39-year-old man named Girdhari on Janpath road. The man was crossing the street when the vehicle swerved towards him and struck him just as he reached the footpath. The driver fled the scene after the incident. Girdhari was later taken to the RML hospital, where he was declared dead. A video of the incident has gone on social media and shows a red vehicle striking Girdhari while he attempting to cross the road. View the video here:
According to reports, Delhi Police later announced that they had apprehended the accused and charged him with rash driving and causing death by negligence.