India’s top wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik on Wednesday accused the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharma of sexual harassment, a report in the Indian Express said.
Some of India’s most reputed wrestlers, including Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat had staged a protest on Wednesday morning, at New Delhi’s Jantar Mantar, against the ‘dictatorship’ of the WFI president.
“Women wrestlers have been sexually harassed at national camps by coaches and also the WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Sharma. Some of the coaches appointed at national camps have been sexually harassing women Wrestlers for years. The WFI president is also involved in sexual harassment,” Vinesh was quoted as saying by the Indian Express.
“Many young women Wrestlers have complained to be and cried about being sexually harassed at national camps. At least 20 girls I know who have been sexually harassed at the national camp. Today I have said this, I don’t know if I will be alive tomorrow. People in WFI are very powerful,” added the 28-year-old.
“Our protest is against the Federation and the way it has been functioning without keeping the best interests of wrestlers in mind. This has nothing to do with politics of any sort. We have not invited any politicians here. This is purely a protest of wrestlers,” Bajrang was quoted as saying by the Indian Express before the wrestlers began their protest.