UPSC has issued a list of roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified to appear for the interview round.
Representational image. AFP
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) released the result of the written tests of the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination- 1 on Monday, 9 May. Candidates who appeared for the examination can check their results from the official website of the UPSC which is
The NDA-1 and NA-1 written exams were conducted on 10 April 2022.
UPSC has issued a list of roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified to appear for the interview round. The Services Selection Board (SSB) under the Ministry of Defence will conduct the personal interview.
The examinations offer admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force Wings of the National Defence Academy for the 149th Course and the 111th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). The upcoming session is scheduled to start on 2 January 2023.
Check the result following the steps:
Visit the UPSC official website,
Click on the ‘What’s new’ link available on the homepage
Then click on the link of ‘Written Results: National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II) 2021’
The redirected page will display a PDF file
Look for your roll number in the list of the shortlisted candidates
As per the official notification, the selected candidates will have to do the online registration within two weeks of the declaration of NDA-1 or NA-1 results through the official website of the Indian Army Recruitment which is
Direct link to check result.
The date and the allotted centre for the SSB interview will be notified to the eligible candidates via email. The commission further added that the candidates need to bring original certificates of age and educational qualifications on the interview day. The mark sheets will be uploaded to the official website within 15 days of the final result.