The exam will be conducted on 21 November in two shifts of three hours each, with paper I being held from 9 am to 12 noon while paper II will be conducted from 2 pm to 5 pm
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The hall tickets for the Engineering Services Exam (Mains) 2021 have been put out by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Candidates can check and their UPSC ESE Main exam 2021 admit cards from the official website at
Process to download UPSC ESE admit card 2021:
– Visit the official website at
– Click on the link for the e-Admit cards for UPSC exams and select the UPSC ESE option
– Click on the link to login and enter the requisite details
– The UPSC ESE Main exam 2021 hall ticket will appear on your screen
– Check the admit card for your details and save a copy for use in the future
Direct link to download UPSC ESE 2021 hall ticket
The UPSC ESE Main exam 2021 will be held at various centres across the country on 21 November. The exam will be held following strict COVID-19 protocols, including social distancing and wearing of face masks.
The exam will be conducted in two shifts of three hours each, with paper I being held from 9 am to 12 noon while paper II will be conducted from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Furthermore, applicants will be given time from 22 to 28 November to submitting representations at
The UPSC has also issued certain guidelines regarding the exam. Candidates will not be allowed to enter any exam centre other than the one mentioned on their admit card. Entry to the centre will be closed 10 minutes before the start of the paper in each session.
Applicants need to carry a printout of their hall ticket as well as photo identity proof mentioned in the ticket. In case the photograph on the UPSC ESE 2021 admit card is blurred, candidates need to carry two identical photographs as well as an undertaking.
Applicants also need to bring a black ball point for filling the attendance sheet. No other pen is to be used for filling the attendance sheet.
In case of any issues in the UPSC ESE 2021 e-Admit card, candidates can contact [email protected] for resolving the matter.