Union Budget 2021 should focus on technology for Atmanirbhar Bharat mission, says Hi-Tech Robotics CEO

Kolkata: Budget 2021 should focus on enhancing productivity by incentivising the use of technologyto make India ‘Atmanirbhar’ and future-ready, an official withindustrial autonomous and AI technologies said on Sunday. India has, so far, seen very low robot adoption compared to its regional and global peers.

According to a recent study, the total number of jobs related to developing and deploying new technologies, like automation, AI and robotics-related applications, may grow to 20 to 50 million globally by 2030 and more than 375 million workers globally.

“Reduction of customs duty/IGST and providing taxbreaks/incentives to robotics adopters can boost demand,” Hi-Tech Robotics Systemz founder & CEO Anuj Kapuria said. “It is among the first companies in industrialautonomous and AI technology in the country. “For accelerating technology and R&D, setting up ofrobotics centres of excellence, incubation centres, continuedresearch grants for robotics R&D and continuation of incometax deduction will be the key drivers,” he said.

Timely policy interventions can accelerate roboticadoption in manufacturing and warehousing. Special focus should be on warehouse automation where we have seen an increase in customer traction.

“These would boost the confidence of technology-drivenindustry players and strengthen the government’s Make in Indiafor Global and Atmanirbhar Bharat vision, besides making aremarkable contribution to employment generation and will makeIndian industry more efficient and surpass the globalstandard,” Kapuria said.

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