For further updates and details on the exam, candidates can contact the NTA Help Desk – 01140759000 or can email at [email protected]
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The admit card for Day 3 and Day 4 of the University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) have been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates who will appear for the exams may download the admit card by visiting the official website at
The exams will be conducted for the December 2020 and June 2021 cycles for the UGC NET.
Steps to download UGC NET Day 3 and Day 4 admit cards are:
Go to the official website at
Click on link that reads for hall tickets for UGC NET December 2020 and June 2021 cycles
Key in your login details to login to the portal
The UGC NET hall ticket for Day 3 and 4 will appear on your screen
Download the UGC NET admit card for future use
Direct link to download the admit card is here.
According to a statement on the official website of UGC NET, the hall tickets for exams to be held on 20, 21, 22 and 24 November are available. Admit cards for UGC NET exam scheduled to be held on dates other than the ones mentioned above are not yet released and will be available soon.
National Testing Agency has released a public notice regarding the Day 3 and Day 4 Exam schedule which can be viewed here.
Examination for the subjects such as Political Science, Yoga, Public Administration, Women Studies and Santali will be conducted on Day 3 or 22 November. The exam for Political Science (Group 1), Santali and Yoga will be held in Shift 1. In the second shift, the exams for Political Science (Group 2), Public Administration and Women Studies will be conducted.
Examination for Day 4 of UGC NET will be conducted on 24 November. Subjects such as Economics, Library and Information Science, Sanskrit Traditional Subjects, Urdu, Marathi and Punjabi will have their papers on that day.
The exam for Economics will be conducted in Shift 1 on 24 November, and all the other exams scheduled to be held on the day will be conducted in the second shift.
It is mandatory for the candidates to bring a printout of the admit card to the exam hall along with a valid photo ID proof, failing which, they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.