Top 5 SARMs for Sale 2022 – Best SARMs for Cutting and Bulking

However, like any steroid, SARMs also became a black market steroid that would be sold to individuals looking to bulk up fast.

Founded in the 90s, SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, entered the market as an alternative to anabolic steroids, a product that had anabolic properties, but with significantly less androgenic. SARMs were marketed as a miracle drug, able to assist with and stop muscle loss and osteoporosis, but with significantly less risk of prostate cancer. However, like any steroid, SARMs also became a black market steroid that would be sold to individuals looking to bulk up fast.

However, over the years it was discovered that SARMs were not as risk-free as originally claimed. With risks of heart disease, liver damage, and stroke, SARMs are showing some of the same potential side effects as steroids. Furthermore, SARMs cannot be sold legally and cannot be prescribed in many countries. Due to their illegal status and performance-enhancing capabilities, they are also outlawed by most major athletic commissions.

So, how does someone get those same gains without having to rely on illegal substances? The Brutal Force line of supplements has you covered. They have a line of bulking and cutting supplements, plus multiple stacks of these supplements, that will help you get the muscle gains you want without horrendous side effects or trouble with the law. They accomplish this with all-natural ingredients that include proteins, amino acids, and various extracts loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will improve your blood flow and repair your muscle tissue for maximum gains. Brutal Force has SARMs for sale like:

Best 5 SARMs for Sale

Ironbound Bulking Stack – The Best SARMs Stack for Bulking
Ripped Cutting Stack – The Best SARMs Stack for Cutting
Radbulk – The Best Metabolism Booster
Ostabulk – The Best Alternative to Ostarine
Ligabulk – The Best SARMs Alternative for Muscle Recovery

#1. Ironbound Bulking Stack – The Best SARMs Stack for Bulking

Starting off, we have a stack offered by Brutal Force that is absolutely loaded with ingredients that will bulk you up for maximum, SARMs-like gains. Stacks are combinations of supplements intended to work together to give you maximum results. While stacks can be an intense experience, requiring a lot of pills taken at different times and in different doses, stacks can be the best option for bulking results because of the multitude of ingredients working together for a multitude of results.

The Ironbound Bulking Stack is made up of 4 different supplements that are all working together to make all kinds of improvements to your body, like:

Maximizing your energy for optimum output
Increasing muscle tone and vascularity
Boosting your testosterone for max muscle growth

As with any stack, the dosage is a bit more complicated, as you have to balance 4 different supplements that are all providing your body with different benefits. So, to maximize your workout, you’ll need to take:

2 Radbulk 45 minutes before working out with water for maximum energy and protein for muscle repair. Only take on workout days
3 Ostabulk 45 minutes before your first meal with water to get the most out of your breakfast for energy and nutrients. Take on both workout and non-workout days
3 Ligabulk 20 minutes before your first meal with water for energy and focus throughout the day, plus the nutrients needed to reduce fat and gain muscle. Take on both workout and non-workout days
3 YKBulk 20 minutes before your first meal with water to help your meal assist your muscles in recovery from working out. Take on both workout and non-workout days


The Ingredients of Radbulk Are:

Wild Yam Extract
DMAE Bitartrate
Safflower Oil
Choline Bitartrate

The Ingredients of Ostabulk Are:

Bioperine Black Pepper
Boron Citrate
Fenugreek Extract
Nettle Leaf Extract
Korean Red Ginseng
D-Aspartic Acid
Vitamin K1
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B6

The Ingredients of Ligabulk Are:

MSM (Methyl Sulfanyl Methane)
Vitamin D3
Suma Root Extract
Ashwagandha Extract
Tribulus Terrestris, aka Puncture Vine
Sodium Hyaluronate

The Ingredients of YKBulk Are:

Tribulus Terrestris, aka Puncture Vine
Longjack Root
Muira Puama Bark
Bulbine Natalensis


Plant steroids and protein synthesis. Steroids are basically synthetic tesosterone, and testosterone is used to create muscle mass. Wild Yam Extract is actually used as a plant steroid to provide the body with testosterone in order to boost muscle mass. The other supplements also contain various amino acids, some that interact well with exercise and others that work better in rest states, allowing your body proper protein synthesis in order to repair your muscles after working out. D-Aspartic acid is also a known testosterone booster, as well as Longjack Root.
Energy and mental clarity. The assortment of B Vitamins and B Vitamin sources in the various supplements will serve as an energy booster, effectively converting food into glucose. However, there is a lot more going on than just energy boosts. For example, Ashwagandha has been shown to calm the mind and help with focus, while DMAE has also been linked to improved cognition and focus.
Increased blood flow, improved libido, and nerve stimulation. The increased testosterone in the various supplements of the Ironbound Bulking Stack is doing more than just increasing muscles. Along with the testosterone, the ingredients are increasing your blood flow, burning fat through increased metabolism, and even providing you with nerve stimulants that are good for boosting libido and sex drive, like Muira Puama.Vitamin K, along with other ingredients, is also boosting your blood flow, which helps provide oxygen to the muscles to reduce muscle fatigue.

Pros and Cons

The Ironbound Bulking Stack is a great supplemental SARMs for sale, as it:

Provides a boost of testosterone and protein synthesis for jacked muscles
Provides an increase in blood flow to increase energy and reduce muscle fatigue
Has fat burning and blocking agents, like Bioperine
Comes with a money-back guarantee for 100 days if you are dissatisfied for any reason
Is 100% legal and safe
Is manufactured in GMP and FDA-approved facilities

With this in mind, it is important to keep a couple of things in mind, like:


Stacks are expensive, costing nearly $160 for a single month’s supply
Ginseng has been linked to insomnia in some users
Some ingredients, like Tribulus Terrestris and Muira Puama, lack success in clinical trials

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ironbound Bulking Stack

#2. Ripped Cutting Stack – The Best SARMs Stack for Cutting

The main difference between the Ripped Cutting Stack and the Ironbound Bulking Stack is that the Ripped Stack is focused on cutting weight while the Ironbound Stack is for bulking up. They both will build muscle and provide the body with testosterone, but a few of the supplements in the Ripped Cutting Stack look more like weight loss supplements than bulking. So, if you are looking for the growth of more lean muscle, the Ripped Cutting Stack is more for you.

The Ripped Cutting Stack includes four separate supplements that have a recommended dosage of:

With water, take 3 Andalean 15 minutes after working out to load your body up with amino acids and proteins for optimum muscle repair. Only for workout days
With water, take 2 CUTSR9 20 minutes before breakfast for increased thermogenesis for burning fat. To be taken on workout and non-workout days
With water, take 1 Ibutalean 20 minutes before breakfast to load your body with antioxidants for improved blood flow and metabolism. To be taken on workout and non-workout days
With water, take 3 Cardalean 20 minutes before breakfast to get the most out of your meal, loading up on testosterone boosters and amino acids to repair your muscles and prevent muscle fatigue. To be taken on workout and non-workout days


The Ingredients of Andalean are:

BCAA Complex (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine)
Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Isolate
ElevATP (Apple and Ancient Peat Extract)
Wild Yam

The Ingredients of CUTSR9 are:

Cocoa Powder
Green Tea

The Ingredients of Ibutalean are:

Mucuna Puriens
Maca Root
Hawthorn Berry

The Ingredients of Cardalean are:

L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Tribulus Terrestris, aka Puncture Vine
Wild Yam
Panax Ginseng


Proteins and Testosterone for working out. Wild Yam is back on the list, providing that testosterone boost through plant steroids, but we also have Soy and Whey Protein on here as well, which not only provide the body with much-needed protein for muscle repair, but also have added benefits like reducing inflammation, lowering blood sugar, and even lowering your blood pressure. There are also a number of amino acids in these supplements, from BCAA to L-Citrulline, L-Arginine, and Acetyl-L-Carnitine, which will make the protein synthesis for muscle restoration much more efficient.
Weight loss supplements: CUTSR9 is a fat burner. It contains multiple known ingredients that can increase thermogenesis, or the heating of the body, to help burn fat, and also increase metabolism to help your body digest unwanted fats and calories. Green Tea contains caffeine, which is a common ingredient in weight loss supplements, and Cocoa Powder has also been connected to weight management.
Antioxidants to improve blood flow. Antioxidants are great at reducing cell degeneration in the body while also improving blood flow, making for a healthier heart, better blood pressure, and also allowing oxygen to travel to the muscles, reducing muscle fatigue. Hawthorn Berry is loaded with antioxidants, as is Green Tea. Potassium actually assists the antioxidants in doing what they need to do, so that is an added bonus as well.

Pros and Cons

If you are looking to gain lean muscle while also having SARMs-like result in muscle growth, the Ripped Cutting Stack might be for you, as it:

Comes with weight loss supplements to burn fat away
Comes with muscle growth supplements to gain lean, strong muscle
Can improve your blood flow through antioxidants, thus giving you a healthier heart and improved blood pressure
Comes with ingredients that are known to reduce blood sugar
Has the Brutal Force 100-day money-back guarantee
Is made in facilities that are backed by the FDA and GMP

With this in mind, a few things should be considered, like:


The connection between Panax Ginseng and insomnia in some users
These supplements contain diuretics that may lead to dehydration, so make sure to stay hydrated while using
Has similar ingredients to Ironbound that are not supported by clinical research, like Tribulus Terrestris and Maca Root
The similar price point to the Ironbound Bulking Stack

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ripped Cutting Stack

#3. Radbulk – The Best Metabolism Booster

Stacks are a great way to build muscle and load the body up with ingredients that can make you fitter and healthier, but not everyone wants to take all those pills, and some people may even be on medications that would interfere with or be interfered with by the ingredients in a stack. So, if you are looking for only one supplement, you have to think about what you specifically want.

If you are looking for a pill that will help you build testosterone and muscle while also boosting your metabolism, Radbulk is the way to go. Of the SARMs for Sale, Radbulk comes with ingredients that will keep the fat off by putting your digestion to work.

Remember, Radbulk is intended to only be taken on workout days, specifically 45 minutes before you begin working out. Make sure to take it with plenty of water.


Wild Yam Extract
DMAE Bitartrate
Safflower Oil
Choline Bitartrate


An effective testosterone booster: We’ve already talked a fair amount about the benefits of Wild Yam, the plant steroid that boosts testosterone. However, we have another testosterone booster in the mix, Safflower Oil. Not only is Safflower Oil full of agents that can help boost your T-Levels, but it also contains omega-6 fats and antioxidants for increased blood flow and improved heart health.
The many benefits of Choline and DMAE:Choline Bitartrate is a water-soluble substance that has multiple health benefits. For starters, it is a neurotransmitter, so it can help your cells transmit necessary data to help rebuild and repair tissues. It is also connected with reduced cholesterol and fat because of its ability to boost your metabolism. DMAE, a precursor to Choline, has similar benefits as a neurotransmitter and antioxidant source. With your synapses firing properly, your body will be spreading information throughout to heal damaged tissue, including in the muscles, while also boosting your metabolism to get rid of fats.
The amino acid for fat burning: Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid, which means it helps with protein synthesis, but that isn’t all it is good for. ALC is doing even more for your metabolism by helping turn stored fat into energy. Not only will this provide a healthy boost of energy, improving your motivation and drive, but it is also burning fat away, making you leaner and less doughy.

Pros and Cons

If you are only going to use one SARMs alternative supplement, Radbulk may be the one for you because it:

Provides a serious boost to your metabolism, getting rid of all kinds of fats, calories, and sugars you don’t want
Boosts your energy by increasing your metabolism
Has testosterone boosting agents that will help you build bigger, stronger muscles
Has positive effects on your brain chemistry by improving neurotransmission
Comes with the 100-Day Bulk Force guarantee of satisfaction
As a part of Bulk Force, is made in FDA and GMP-approved facilities

With this in mind, there are a few things to consider, like:


Some of the benefits of Choline and Safflower oil only apply to people with deficiencies that are not common in the human body
Safflower oil has been connected to some heart health concerns
Radbulk is not a great source of protein

Click here for the Lowest Price on Radbulk

#4. Ostabulk – The Best Alternative to Ostarine

Ostarine is a type of SARMs that is used to help rebuild lost muscle mass and improve the symptoms of osteoporosis. While it is effective for muscle growth and will give you the gains you are looking for, it cannot be attained legally and comes with a multitude of side effects, including severe liver damage.

This is where Ostabulk comes in. This SARMs alternative is designed to mimic Ostarine without all the horrible, dangerous side effects. It is loaded with natural testosterone boosters combined with antioxidants that will keep your muscles from becoming fatigued.

Ostabulk is attempting to boost your testosterone levels overall, so it is intended to be taken on workout and non-workout days. Start your day off with 3 capsules, with water, about 45 minutes before your first meal. This allows Ostabulk to get into your system before food, giving it a chance to boost your metabolism so your body keeps all the nutrients from your first meal without keeping all the excess.


Bioperine Black Pepper
Boron Citrate
Fenugreek Extract
Nettle Leaf Extract
Korean Red Ginseng
D-Aspartic Acid
Vitamin K1
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B6


Testosterone boosting agents: If you are going to use a supplement to replace steroids or SARMs, you’re going to need ingredients that boost testosterone levels. Fenugreek and D-Aspartic Acid are commonly used to increase the levels of testosterone in the body. Nettle Leaf Extract is also common in T-boosters, but not because it creates testosterone. Rather, it allows for more testosterone in the body to become available to be synthesized into muscle repair. With these three ingredients working together you will see an increase in testosterone and, with proper exercise, will see an increase in muscle mass. Vitamin K1 will also assist the body in muscle growth, as it will assist in binding proteins to tissue, helping to repair the microtears that occur in the muscles during workouts.
Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory: You’ll see a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in muscle growth supplements because the body needs increased blood flow to avoid muscle fatigue, and keeping muscles from becoming inflamed also reduces muscle fatigue. Korean Red Ginseng, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 are all ingredients that have both of these effects, allowing you to work out longer and more effectively without breaking your body down.
Block the enzymes that produce fat while further increasing metabolism: Bioperine Black Pepper is another common ingredient in a lot of dietary supplements, and there is a reason for its use. Bioperine has been linked to not only increasing your metabolism, thus providing both a boost of energy (similar to the Vitamin B6 in Ostabulk) and also a burning of fats and calories but it also has been linked to blocking the production of fat as well.

Pros and Cons

Ostabulk is a much safer, better alternative to Ostarine and other SARMs because it:

Provides an intense boost of testosterone for muscle growth using natural ingredients
Increases your metabolism for a boost of energy and fat burning
Provides you with plenty of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories to keep your muscles from becoming fatigued
Blocks the production of fat
Has the Brutal Force 100-day guarantee
Is made in FDA and GMP approved Brutal Force facilities

With this in mind, there are a few things to keep in mind, like:


Testosterone boosters can be bad for people with heart conditions and high blood pressure
Ginseng may cause restlessness in some users
Vitamin K is fat-soluble, so it can build up to toxic levels in the body if over consumed

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ostabulk

#5. Ligabulk – The Best SARMs Alternative for Muscle Recovery

Ligabulk is another supplement that is used in the Ironbound Bulking Stack. It is one of the supplements that is supposed to be taken at the beginning of the day, before your first meal. Like the rest of the supplements in the Ironbound Bulking Stack, the goal of Ligabulk is very specific. If you are going to Ligabulk on its own, while it does have a connection to boosting testosterone and helping with muscle growth, the real reason you want to take Ligabulk is because of its ability to help your muscles recover.

Many of the ingredients in Ligabulk are anti-inflammatories, while others are connected to either the production of Human Growth Hormone or the improvement of elasticity in the joints to avoid injury while working out.

Ligabulk is specifically designed around healing and avoiding injury from working out, so if muscle recovery and protection are what you are looking for, Ligabulk may be for you.


MSM (Methyl Sulfanyl Methane)
Vitamin D3
Suma Root Extract
Ashwagandha Extract
Tribulus Terrestris, aka Puncture Vine
Sodium Hyaluronate


Human Growth Hormone is great for repairing the body: When you are a baby, you get a lot of Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, from your mother’s milk. HGH is produced naturally in the body, and it assists with the building of tissue, but as we get older, the HGH in our bodies begins to decline in production. While you can get prescription treatments to inject yourself with synthetic HGH, this is highly expensive and comes with several negative side effects. It is far preferable to take a supplement that can help with the production of HGH. Ligabulk contains L-Leucine, which has been shown to stimulate the production of HGH in the body.
Testosterone and Elasticity: We’ve pretty heavily covered the advantages of testosterone when it comes to muscle growth. Steroids essentially are testosterone after all. Suma Root has been linked to increased production of testosterone, so this will play a big role in repairing and creating muscle tissue to help you recover from workouts while getting more ripped. However, there is more to working out than just growing muscles. Muscle recovery is also a big part of this, which MSM has been linked to. Furthermore, Sodium Hyaluronate is a type of Hyaluronic Acid that is used to lubricate the joints and tissues, thus keeping the body from being injured by crippling muscle tears.

Pros and Cons

Ligabulk is a great product for muscle recovery, as it provides benefits such as:

Muscle recovery to keep your muscles healthy and efficient
Provides lubrication to joints and tissue to help avoid muscle tears and injuries
Provides HGH and testosterone to help grow and build muscle tissue
Has the usual Brutal Force money-back guarantee and is made in the FDA and GMP-approved facilities

While all of this is terrific, there are a few things to consider with Ligabulk, like:


Increased HGH and Testosterone production can have certain negative interactions with certain health conditions, so consult a doctor before use
Ligabulk is not the best when it comes to protein, protein synthesis, or testosterone creation, so if pure bulking is your goal, Ligabulk may not work the best for you as a singular product

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ligabulk

Buyer’s Guide on Best SARMs for Sale

The question of what is the best SARMs for sale is not easily answered, as multiple factors have to be considered. Now, Brutal Force is probably your best bet as a company, but each product provides great benefits either way. So, as far as the stacks go:

The Ironbound Bulking Stack is the best stack for gaining bulk and growing muscle, so if your goal is to get huge, the Ironbound Bulking Stack is the way to go
The Ripped Cutting Stack is the best stack for cutting weight and gaining lean muscle, so if your goal is to be muscular, but smaller, the Ripped Stack is your best bet

As far as individual supplements go, the three best supplements to replace SARMs are all in the Ironbound Bulking Stack, but they all provide different benefits. So, with that in mind:

Radbulk is the best for boosting your metabolism to burn excess fat while also providing plant steroids and testosterone boosters to grow muscle
Ostabulk gives you the most testosterone boosters in a single supplement, so if mega gains are what you are looking for, this is the supplement for you
Ligabulk provides you with some testosterone boosters, but the main purpose of it is to help your muscles recover from the fatigue and breakdown from working out

Extreme Muscle Growth vs Safety

So, there is a reality of bulking and muscle gains. If you want to gain muscle safety, the gains won’t come overnight. Supplements are incredibly helpful, and they are incredibly safe, but they aren’t going to give you the immediate gains that steroids and SARMs will. However, there is no truly safe way to take steroids and SARMs, so keep in mind that extreme, immediate muscle growth cannot be done safely. Go with supplements and see results without risking your health.

Brutal Force Benefits

So why Brutal Force? Well, there are a few reasons that Brutal Force is the preferred company to many supplement companies.

The Brutal Force products are 100% natural and safe
They all use veggie-based capsules, making the products generally vegan and vegetarian-friendly.
All the products come with a 100-Day money-back guarantee.


Are SARMs alternatives safe?

Since they are mostly made of all-natural ingredients, they mostly are. There can be some minor side effects, with stomach issues like mild nausea and indigestion being the most common, and Ginseng use has been tied to mild insomnia, but for the most part, these products are perfectly safe.

With that in mind, if you have high blood pressure or heart conditions, it doesn’t hurt to consult your doctor before use.

Where should I buy these SARMs supplements?

These products can only be purchased from their official websites. Everything can be found on Brutal Force’s website, but the specific links are below:

Ironbound Bulking Stack
Ripped Cutting Stack

Should I use a stack or an individual product?

Depends. Are you using other supplements, like a Nootropic? If so, you probably want to use an individual product instead of a stack. However, if the stack is going to be the only supplement you use, stacks are perfectly safe and can be incredibly powerful when it comes to weight loss and muscle gain.


The risks of SARMs and steroids far outweigh the benefits, and when supplements exist that work as alternatives, it is just not worth it to take the legal and physical risks of using steroids and SARMs.

Brutal Force has an amazing line of SARMs alternative products for sale, so instead of risking your health, freedom, and potential standing with any athletic commission, give SARMs alternative supplements a chance instead.

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