In a letter to Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana, Poonwalla said that Ilyas Sharafuddin joined a debate in national TV recently ‘with intention of mocking a religious faith and instigating violence’
Political analyst Tehseen Poonawalla on Wednesday filed a complaint with Delhi Police against Islamic cleric Ilyas Sharafuddin for “instigating communal hate and spreading violence on a national television channel.”
Poonwalla alleged that Ilyas Sharafuddin, who was invited at a recent debate show on a national TV news channel, joined the panelist “with intention of mocking a religious faith and instigating violence.”
The political analyst further said that the Islamic Cleric joined the debate to “disturb social and communal harmony of the country.
“He (Ilyas Sharafuddin) made baseless remarks on the Indian culture and he further made communal comments, sexist and racist statements statements against a particular religious community.”
Poonawalla added that the remarks and comments by Ilyas Sharafuddin during a debate could further encourage “disharmony and hate” within the society.
Poonawalla also shared also shared a clip where Ilyas Sharafuddin can be heard commenting on the Indian culture and mocking religious faith.
During the debate, Ilyas Sharafuddin can be heard comparing the Shivling to a male body part and said that the Hindu community has a habit of worshiping the idol and male private organ.
The comments come within days after Varanasi court appointed videography survey team found Shivling inside the Gyanvapi mosque premises in Uttar Pradesh.
Poonawalla through his letter addressed to Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana requested to register a complaint under IPC sections 153 A, 153 B (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence), 295A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs), 298 (uttering words, etc, with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person).
Poonwalla also asked the Delhi Police to register case against Ilyas Sharafuddin under IPC sections 505 (to commit an offence related to any place of worship or in an assembly engaged in the performance of (religious worship or religious ceremonies), 506 (criminal intimidation), 507 (criminal intimidation by an anonymous communication) and 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman).
“I would humbly request you to take necessary and timely action against Ilyas Sharafuddin for maintaining the law and order situation in the country,” Poonwalla told the Delhi Police Commissioner.
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