A Delhi Court on Wednesday charged two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar with murder in the death of wrestler Sagar Dhankar in a brawl on 4 May 2021. 17 more were also charged with murder and other crimes in the case, which saw Sushil turn fugitive for several before being nabbed by police. Two further absconding accused were also charged with similar offenses.
The additional session court took the decision after the Delhi police submitted they have enough evidence to frame charges of murder and abduction against Sushil Kumar and other accused in the murder case.
Additional Public Prosecutor Atul Shrivastav said during the court proceeding, “The manner in which Sagar was abducted and brought to the Chhatrasal Stadium (in north Delhi) and then beaten mercilessly by the accused, shows they wanted to establish their supremacy.”
Sushil Kumar was arrested by Delhi Police in May 2021 after the wrestler turned fugitive and was absconding arrest for a fortnight following the death of Sagar Dhankar in the premises of Chhatrasal Stadium. Dhankar died at a hospital on the same day after allegedly being beaten up by co-accused at the behest of Sushil Kumar.
The incident was caught on video where Sushil was allegedly seen assaulting Sagar Dhankar.
The police investigation later revealed that the brawl took place over a flat owned by Sushil Kumar in Model Town, where Dhankar previously resided as a tenant. The duo was having a dispute over the rent of the property and later turned ugly into a brawl on the night of the incident.
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