The hall tickets have been released for the Central, North Eastern and MP Sub region, as well as the Western Region (Mumbai) and North Western region (Chandigarh)
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The admit cards for certain regions for the Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination (CHSL) 2019 skill test have been released by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Candidates can check and download their hall tickets for the exam by visiting the official website at
The SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test will be held across the country on 3 November. The hall tickets have been released for the Central, North Eastern and MP Sub region, as well as the Western Region (Mumbai) and North Western region (Chandigarh) till now.
Process to download hall ticket for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test:
– Visit the official website at
– Search and find the link for the SSC CHSL admit card
– Click on the region for which you need to download the hall ticket
– Enter the requisite credentials and log in
– The SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test call letter will appear on your screen. Check the admit card
– Save a copy of the SSC admit card for use in the future
Direct link for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test admit card Western (Mumbai) region
Direct link for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test admit card North Eastern region
Direct link for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test admit card Central region
Direct link for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test admit card MP Sub region
Direct link for SSC CHSL 2019 Skill Test admit card North Western (Chandigarh) region
The SSC had earlier released guidelines for the typing test conducted under the CHSL 2019 Skill Test. The guidelines stated that applicants appearing for the typing test in Hindi need to set the typing test keyboard layout to either Hindi Inscript, Hindi Remington GAIL, Hindi Remington CB, or Hindi Krutidev. For English, applicants were advised to choose English (US) as the layout option.
The guidelines also mentioned that the SSC has uploaded a demo video of the typing test in English and Hindi on the official website. For the test, applicants need to type a master text passage of 1,500 words in Hindi and 1,750 words in English.