New Delhi: Twitter has labelled as “manipulated media” a tweet of BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra on the alleged toolkit prepared by the Congress to target the Narendra Modi government. Twitter said it “may label tweets that include media (videos, audio, and images) that have been deceptively altered or fabricated.”
The Congress on Thursday wrote to Twitter asking it to permanently suspend the accounts of BJP leaders including party chief JP Nadda and Union minister Smriti Irani for allegedly “spreading misinformation and unrest in the society”.
The Opposition party has insisted that the toolkit documents flagged by the BJP are “fake” and has filed police complaint against its leaders. The Chhattisgarh police has registered an FIR to probe the matter.
The BJP has been attacking the Congress over some controversial content of the so-called toolkit.
BJP leaders, including Patra, have posted numerous tweets to attack the Congress over the toolkit.
Patra’s tweet, now labelled “manipulated media” had posted a document and said, “Friends look at the #CongressToolKit in extending help to the needy during the Pandemic! More of a PR exercise with the help of ‘Friendly Journalists’ and ‘Influencers’ than a soulful endeavour. Read for yourselves the agenda of the Congress”.