As per schedule, the RPSC had conducted the exam for the post of Assistant Professor from 22 September to 9 October this year.
Representational image. News18
The answer key for the Assistant Professor (College Education) examination 2020 has been issued by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). Interested candidates can download the RPSC answer key by visiting the Commission’s official website at
Applicants should note that the answer key has been released for subjects including Zoology, Botany, General Studies, Chemistry, Mathematics and Geology.
As per schedule, the RPSC had conducted the exam for the post of Assistant Professor from 22 September to 9 October this year. Also, the exam was conducted in two shifts, the first commenced at 9: 00 am to 12.00 pm and the second began at 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Candidates who want to check the official notification for the post of Assistant Professor can do so by clicking on the link below:
Steps to download RPSC Assistant Professor 2020 answer key:
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: Search and click on the answer key link that is under News and Events section
Step 3: Within a few seconds, the answer key will appear on the screen
Step 4: Kindly, check and download the answer key
Step 5: Finally, keep a printout of the RPSC answer key for future reference
Check the direct link to the answer key:
If any candidate wants to raise an objection, against the provisional answer key, they can do so till 28 November by paying a required fee of Rs 100 per question. No challenge will be accepted after the stipulated deadline.
Moreover, here is the direct link to raise objections on the answer key
The RPSC conducted the Assistant Professor examination for the recruitment of 918 vacancies in various colleges of the state. The exam was initially scheduled to be held in April but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it got deferred.
For more details, information and updates, candidates are advised to keep checking the official website of the RPSC regularly.