Pariskha Pe Charcha: PM advises students to celebrate exams as festivals, asks them to be present in moment

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with students, parents and teachers today. The prime minister talked to students about keeping calm and acing the incoming exam season

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with students on the fifth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha. ANI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with students, parents and teachers today. He talked to students about keeping calm and acing the incoming exam season and advised them to celebrate exams as festivals.

“This is my favourite programme but due to COVID I couldn’t meet you. This gives me special happiness as I am meeting you after a long time, “PM Modi told the audience at the Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi drawing a loud round of applause.

“Who is tense? You or your parents? There are more people here whose parents are tensed. If we make exams a festival it will feel vibrant”, he said.

To a query, the prime minister said the National Education Policy has been wholeheartedly welcomed by every section of country.

Kenny Patel from Gujarat’s Vadodara asked how can one complete syllabus along with proper revision and also get proper sleep.

“Why are you scared? It’s not the first time you are taking exams. Now you are reaching the last mile. You have crossed the entire ocean why are you scared of sinking on the shore?” the PM responded.

Here are some key points from PM Modi’s tips on reducing exam stress

Do not take these experiences of yours, the process you have gone through, as small.
Secondly, for the panic you have in your mind, I urge you not to be under any pressure.
Spend your upcoming exam time in the same easy routine as your routine.
First of all, I would like to say to the parents and teachers that you should not try to pass on your dreams, which you could not fulfill, on you children. All this is a matter of great concern in the development of our children, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.
In the olden days, the teacher used to have contact with the family. Teachers were familiar with what families thought for their children. The family was familiar with what the teachers did. That is, whether education went on in school or at home, everyone was on the same platform.” he added.
But now the parents do not have time for what the child does throughout the day. The teacher has to do with the syllabus only that my job is done, I taught very well. But the child’s mind does something else.
PM Modi further said that unless we try to know the strengths, limits, interests and expectations of the child closely, then somewhere he stumbles.
That’s why I would like to say to every parent and teacher that as per the expectation of your mind, the burden on your child increases, try to avoid it, he said.

What PM Modi said to questions on National Education Policy

“Since 2014, we were engaged in the work of the new National Education Policy (NEP). For this work in every corner of India brainstorming took place on this subject. It was discussed under the leadership of good scholars of the country, people who were associated with science and technology. the draft prepared,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.
The draft prepared from it was then sent to the people, on which 15-20 lakh inputs came. After so much effort, the new education policy has come. Whatever the government does, the voice of protest is raised from somewhere or the other, the Prime Minister said.
But it is a matter of happiness for me that the National Education Policy has been received strongly in every section of India. Therefore, all the people who do this work deserve to be congratulate, he said.
Try to live the moment you are in. If you live that moment to the fullest, it becomes your strength, PM Modi said while addressing the fifth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha.
The greatest gift of God is the present. For one who knows the present, who can live it, there is no question of the future.
“Sometimes you take your own exam too, brainstorm on your preparations, make a habit of replaying, this will give you a new perspective. Experience-absorbing replays are easy to do, when you engage with things with an open mind, never let disappointment knock on your door,” PM Modi said.
“Students sometimes face difficulties while making important decisions. Students should develop a habit of revising whatever they have learnt in class with their friends. This will help them absorb knowledge together,” he added.

If society slips in recognising abilities of girls, it can never progress: PM Modi

Girls are estimated to outnumber boys among new students, he said, adding that every Indian can now be proud of the spirit and aspirations of girls.
“Now, girls have become a big asset and strength for every family. The more this change occurs, the better it is,” he said.
Noting that there used to be a time when many parents believed that their limited resources were better spent on sons so that they can take care of them later as they expected daughter to not work and instead settle down in their in-laws’ house, he said such a mindset may still exist in some places but things have by and large changed.
Sons and daughters should have equal status in society. “It is the requirement of this era. It is the requirement of every era,” the prime minister said and cited noted women personalities like Ahilya Bai and Lakshmi Bai to note the impact they made in their fields.
Equal opportunities for girls should be institutionalised, he said, adding that they are excelling in various fields ranging from sports to science. There are more women parliamentarians now than ever, and their numbers are rising in police and security forces, he said. Girls also repeatedly outshine boys in board exams, he said.
While half of the elected panchayat posts in Gujarat are reserved for women, they have also been winning in general seats, highlighting the society’s confidence in their abilities, he noted.
Modi also made a reference to women’s presence in large numbers in nursing and teaching fields, and said in a lighter vein that men may take out a rally demanding that their quotas be fixed.
“If boys and girls are given an equal opportunity, then the latter may do better,” he said.
The prime minister said he had seen daughters who did not marry so that they could take care of their parents, and had also seen parents living in old age homes even though their sons lived a happy life away from them.

Pariksha Pe Charcha is being organised for the last four years by the Eduation Ministry’s Department of School Education and Literacy. The first three editions of PPC were held in Delhi in an interactive town-hall format. The fourth edition was held online on April 7 last year.

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