The AICTE had started the registration process for the post of three posts of DD and 13 positions of AD from 12 February to 13 March this year.
Representational image. PTI
The results of the written exam for the post of Deputy Director (DD) and Assistant Director (AD) in the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) have been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates can check their scorecards at the official website –
Steps to check AICTE recruitment 2021 scorecards:
– Visit the official website at
– Click on the link for the AICTE Recruitment 2021 result that is available on the main page
– A new window will appear. Click on the link for the AICTE results
– Login using the needed details such as application number and date of birth
– The AICTE recruitment 2021 scorecard will appear on your screen
– Check your AICTE written exam 2021 results and save a copy for future reference
Direct link for AICTE scorecards:
According to the NTA, the exam was conducted on 25 August as a computer-based test. The circular stated that the applicants who qualified the written exam will be contacted for the interview separately by the AICTE for the respective posts.
Applicants are requested to keep visiting the website of the AICTE for more details related to the recruitment.
The AICTE had started the registration process for the post of three posts of DD and 13 positions of AD from 12 February to 13 March this year.
The AD position was open to candidates who had at least eight years of experience at the supervisory level, with a minimum of four years of experience in the fields of “Teaching or Research, Educational Planning or Administration”. Candidates who have previous experience in training in Central Autonomous Bodies or PSUs, state government, universities, or other institutions of higher education, would also be preferred.
For the post of DD, the minimum experience required was ten years, with the condition of four years of experience in research and training.
The advertisement stated that the candidate should have a Master’s degree and not exceed 45 years of age, barring exceptions for certain categories. It added that applicants with Doctorate degree and/or published work, along with evidence of writing technical reports, would be preferred.