The festive season is just around the corner and it is time for every kind of Diwali post going viral on social media, whether it’s the latest video or an old one. People in India tend to find ways to try out bizarre stunts and the Diwali celebrations are no stranger to people being daredevils around firecrackers. There are several videos on the internet where people can be seen trying out a unique way to burst crackers. With that said, a similar video has now grabbed attention which shows a man following a very unusual way of lighting rockets.
Shared by IFS officer Sushant Nanda on his Twitter handle, the 19-second video shows a man standing in the middle of a road with a cigarette in his mouth while holding a bunch of rockets in one hand. However, this is not it. Taking things a step further, the man starts lighting up the rockets with the cigarette in his mouth and further launches them into the air.
Following the same technique repeatedly, the man can be seen launching multiple rockets at the same time without any fear of getting injured or burned.
Watch the video:
As risky as it may look, the video has gone viral on the internet and has left several people shocked. Others were left in splits by the footage. Nanda also found it quite funny as he captioned the video with, “The founder of NASA was definitely from India.”
Reacting over the same, people also took to the comment section and shared their views. While one user wrote, “Probably….. Only +ve about smoking”, another person called the old man ‘Nasa’s Rocket specialist’. Users also flooded the section with several laughing emojis.
Check some reactions:
Notably, the video is not a recent one as it has kept on surfacing multiple times on social media but still manages to grab people’s attention. Right now, the video has grabbed more than 31,000 views and has received more than 1,000 likes.
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