Star Pakistan pacer Shaheen Shah Afridi, on Saturday, tied the knot with Ansha Afridi, daughter of legendary all-rounder Shahid Afridi. Following the grand celebration, the cricketer dropped some photographs of his wedding ceremony on his personal Twitter handle, thanking everyone for their best wishes. He shared the photos with the caption, “AlhumduLillah, Almighty has been very kind and generous. May we always remain as a garment to each other. Thank you everyone for the good wishes and for making our special day even better. Remember us in your special prayers.”
As per reports, the couple had asked their guests to turn off their phones at the ceremony. But unfortunately, that didn’t happen and some of the wedding photos were ‘leaked’ on the internet.
Since the photos surfaced on the internet, fans went on to share them across other platforms, making them viral soon. It did not go down well with Afridi, who was disappointed that fans did not seek the couple’s permission before sharing the images.
The 22-year-old bowler expressed his dissatisfaction over the matter through another post on his Twitter account. He wrote, “It’s very disappointing that despite many and repeated requests, our privacy was hurt and people kept on sharing it further without any guilt.” On that long note, Afridi once again urged social media users not to “spoil their memorable big day.”
The marriage ceremony which took place in Karachi was nothing less than a star-studded affair. A number of former and current Pakistani players, including skipper Babar Azam, marked their presence during the event. After the wedding was completed, Shahid Afridi, congratulated the newly-wed couple through a special tweet.
The ex-Pakistan captain noted, “Daughter is the most beautiful flower of your garden because they blossom with great blessing. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. As a parent, I gave my daughter in Nikkah to Shaheen Afridi, congratulations to the two of them.”
Looking at his cricketing career, Shaheen Afridi has remained out of action for a long time owing to a knee injury he suffered last year. It turned out to be a major blow for the Pakistan unit which missed his service in the marquee event- the Asia Cup 2022. The Babar Azam-led side finished the tournament as the runners-up.
However, Afridi returned to the national unit in the T20 World Cup in Australia where Pakistan also came out to be the runners-up in the coveted competition. In the summit game against England, the young pacer again hurt his injured knee and was forced to be out for the rest of the year. Currently, he has been undergoing rehabilitation in order to be fit before the upcoming edition of the Pakistan Super League (PSL), slated to begin on 13 February.
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