HP TET 2020 admit card released at hpbose.org; exams to be held from 12 to 15 December

Himachal Pradesh Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HP TET) 2020 admit card of candidates who have successfully registered for the exam has been released.

Students can download their hall ticket from Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education’s (HPBoSe) official website: hpbose.org.

The TGT (Arts) TET and TGT (Medical) TET will be held on 12 December. Punjabi TET and Urdu TET will be conducted on 13 December. JBT TET and Shashtri TET will be on 14 December and TGT (non-medical) and Language Teacher TET will be conducted on 15 December.

HP TET admit card 2020 mentions the name of the candidate, roll number, registration number, exam date, exam centre name, exam centre address, exam time, and reporting time.

As per Careers 360 said that if a candidate finds any discrepancy in the details mentioned in their HP TET hall ticket 2020, they can inform about it to the authorities on the official website of HP TET.

To qualify for the exam, candidates will have to obtain marks equal to or more than the cut-off marks.

According to Jagran Josh, candidates appearing for HP TET 2020 will have to carry an original valid ID for verification. Students can carry their passport, Aadhaar card, PAN card, driving licence, voter ID card.

Steps to download HP TET admit card 2020:

Step 1: Log on to the official website of Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education: hpbose.org.

Step 2: Click on TET (NOV-2020) on the homepage.

Step 3: Tap on the link that reads, “Click here to Download Admit Cards (TGT (Arts), TGT (Medical), PUNJABI, URDU, JBT, Shastri, TGT (Non-Medical), L.T Subjects) TET-NOVEMBER 2020.”

Step 4: Enter your HP TET 2020 application number and date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format.

Step 5: Press the Submit button.

Step 6: Your HP TET admit card 2020 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Verify all the details carefully before saving and taking a print out.

Here is the direct link to download HP TET 2020 admit card.

Candidates will get a composite time of two-and-a-half-hours to complete the paper.

The paper will have multiple choice questions (MCQs) of 150 marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answer.

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