Following the huge dust cloud that covered the nearby areas, carrying concretions, iron oxide, silica and many other fine particles that could enter our lungs, one may see a spike in cases of severe respiratory problems
The demolition of the twin towers in Noida raises many health concerns for people residing in the neighbourhood. It could increase the chances of people getting respiratory diseases and skin-related allergic conditions.
Following the huge dust cloud that covered the nearby areas, carrying concretions, iron oxide, silica and many other fine particles that could quickly enter our lungs through our nose and mouth, one may see a spike in cases of severe respiratory problems. These health problems include exacerbation of asthma for those who are already asthmatic; allergic cold and cough; running nose; burning of nostrils; shortness of breath (Spo2 may stoop down to < 92%); head heaviness and sinus-related headaches; Silicosis in long term; and, bleeding from the nose due to excessive dryness.
It may further cause skin-related allergies, rashes, itching and burning of the eyes due to fine dust particles. Other common effects may include body pain, feverish feeling, headache, nausea and vomiting.
Who are the most susceptible group?
Most affected will be children and the elderly with low or developing immunity. People who are asthmatic or have some pre-existing lung conditions. People with dust and pollution allergies, or those who have undergone lung transplants or are immunologically compromised, like HIV+ or Hepatitis B+ etc, are equally susceptible. Such people should stay indoors for the next three days, at least.
What can be done to stay safe?
Make sure to follow certain precautions which will ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones.
Keep doors and windows closed at all times: Fine dust particles can enter through window panes and door gaps. Place some covers below the door gaps. Keep your curtains drawn. Prevent fine dust particles from entering your house.
Wear a mask and goggles: If you at all need to visit outside, completely cover yourself. Wear full-sleeved clothes and also cover your heads with caps or scarves and prevent the dust cloud from settling over your skin which may cause skin allergies, rashes and itching. Wear a mask over your face and protective goggles or sunglasses over your eyes. Keep the most minimum area of your skin exposed.
Keep air-conditioners on: If available, keep your ACs and air filters on for the maximum duration. It will filter the air entering your home and also provide ventilation.
Personal hygiene: Wash your face frequently to prevent toxins and dust particles from entering your body through your mouth or nose. Wash your hands with soap before eating.
Clean articles before use: Wash your plates and utensils before using as well. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before cooking and eating. If toxins and pollutants from the demolition waste enter our body, they may cause a lot of gastric symptoms, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Vacuum the house and wet wipe the floors and table tops frequently. Avoid dusting the dust as it may further dispense the dust particles in the air.
Pre-existing health conditions: Those who already have respiratory diseases like asthma, TB or bronchitis should take extra precautions and continue their regular medications without missing. People with allergies and other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, etc, should also be regular with their medicines and report to the doctor immediately if they develop any respiratory or allergy-related symptoms.
Home remedies and tips
To prevent oneself from the toxic effects of the dust cloud, one should focus on improving their immunity.
– Eat fresh fruits regularly. Fruits are rich in antioxidants which help to increase the body’s immunity and fight conditions like the common cold and allergies, etc.
– Keep yourself hydrated. A minimum of 3-4 litres of water intake should be done to prevent dehydration. In a dehydrated state, the body becomes weak and dry skin may rupture, allowing germs, viruses and toxins to enter our body through skin cracks.
– Asthmatics on inhalers should take 1-2 puffs of their inhaler regularly till the dust cloud settles down. Nebulisation can also be done to reduce the feeling of breathlessness and discomfort.
– If you get sinusitis, headache or head heaviness from exposure to the dust particles, you can take steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or Vicks in boiling water twice a day.
– If you feel excessive breathlessness or your Spo2 (oxygen saturation) levels keep falling < 92%, then visit the nearest emergency centre or hospital for medical attention.
– On feeling burning or irritation in the eyes, wash with cold water immediately, and if the problem continues, consult a doctor.
– To reduce skin-related irritation and itching, one can use aloe vera gel and Lacto calamine lotion.
Danger signs
> Shortness of breath with SpO2 below 90 percent
> Burning and redness of eyes with continued watering
> Rashes over the body and non-stop itching
> Dizziness and nausea with vomiting
> In case of prolonged symptoms, visit a hospital.
The author is a Delhi-based doctor. Views are personal.
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