The unreserved candidates who obtain 150 marks or more in the preliminary round will be shortlisted to give the main examination.
Representational image. Image courtesy: News18
The admit cards for the Haryana Civil Service (HCS) Judicial Branch preliminary exam 2021 have been released by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). The registered candidates can now check and download the hall tickets by visiting the official website,
Steps to download the HCS Judicial Branch prelims 2021 admit card:
– Go to the official website,
– Click on the link that reads, “download admit card for HCS Preliminary Exams 2021”
– Enter your login details such as application number, login ID, and password
– Within a few seconds, the HSPC admit card will be displayed on the screen
– Check it and keep a printout for future use
Direct link to download admit card:
According to an official notice, the HCS Judicial Branch preliminary exam 2021 will be held on 13 November from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The recruitment is being carried out for a total of 256 posts of Civil Judge (Judicial Division) in the state of Haryana.
In case there is a discrepancy in the name, date of birth or any other column of a candidate’s admit card, he/she can contact the helpline number – 022-61306209. Applicants also need to note that the facility to report discrepancies will not be entertained after 8 November.
It is mandatory for candidates to carry their admit cards along with a valid photo ID to the examination venue.
The commission had announced earlier that selection of a candidate will depend on three rounds, the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview. An applicant will have to qualify all the rounds in order to secure a post. The first round, i.e. the prelims will consist of objective-type questions. The main exam will be subjective or narrative type.
The unreserved candidates who obtain 150 marks or more in the preliminary round will be shortlisted to give the main examination.
However, aspirants belonging to the reserved category need to secure 100 marks in order to qualify the preliminary round.