Despite coffee being the most popular drink of that time, customers had to wait over five minutes for a single cup. To reduce the inconvenience faced by customers, Moriondo decided to invent a machine that would allow him to serve more people in a shorter span of time
Coffee Machine. Pexels
Many of us cannot do without our morning cup of coffee. For those of us who love our espressos and cannot imagine life without it, this day is special. Google is celebrating the birth anniversary of Angelo Moriondo, the inventor of the espresso machine today, 6 June.
The artwork for the Google Doodle was created by Olivia When, who painted it completely with coffee. The design features a GIF depicting the espresso machine. The doodle is visible in India, Australia, western Europe and parts of North and South America.
This year marks the 171st birth anniversary of the Italian innovator, who is known for patenting the earliest known espresso machine. Born into a family of entrepreneurs “who never stopped brewing new ideas or projects”, Moriondo soon followed in his family’s footsteps. He purchased two establishments in Turin- American Bar in the Galleria Nazionale of Via Roma and the Grand-Hotel Ligure in the city-center Piazza Carlo Felic.
Despite coffee being the most popular drink of that time, customers had to wait over five minutes for a single cup. To reduce the inconvenience faced by customers, Moriondo decided to invent a machine that would allow him to serve more people in a shorter span of time.
He soon decided to build his own invention. Moriondo’s machine consisted of a large boiler which pushed heated water through a bed of coffee grounds. A second boiler in the device produced steam that would flash the bed of coffee, thus completing the brew.
The machine was presented at the General Expo in Turin in 1884, where it received the bronze medal. The invention was then confirmed by an international patent after it was registered in Paris on 23 October, 1885. Moriondo also received a patent titled “,”New steam machinery for the economic and instantaneous confection of coffee beverage, method ‘A. Moriondo”. The Italian innovator continued to improve his machine over the following years.
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