Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari recently said that he is planning to introduce a law to curb the parking menace, under which a person may get a reward of Rs 500 for sending a photograph of a wrongly parked vehicle to authorities
Tired of wrongly parked vehicles in your area? Soon, you may get a reward of Rs 500 for sending its photograph to authorities, as Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari recently said that he is planning to introduce such a law that will help curb the parking menace.
What did Gadkari say?
Speaking at the inauguration of the Industrial Decarbonisation Summit 2022 in Delhi, Gadkari said that he is going to bring a law under which a person sending photographs of a wrongly parked vehicle will be given a Rs 500 reward if the violator is fined Rs 1,000.
According to a report by LiveMint, Gadkari regretted that people do not make parking spaces for their vehicles, and instead take up the road to park them.
He said these days it has become a requirement for everyone to own a car. He noted that a family of four nowadays has six vehicles.
Is it really happening?
It was not really clear whether the minister made the statement in jest or if it is backed by a legislative framework.
He made the statement after noting that wrong parking is a huge menace in urban India because the number of cars is increasing.
“But no one is building parking spaces. In Delhi, for instance, wide roads are being treated as parking spaces,” Gadkari said.
He claimed that his house in Nagpur has parking space for 12 cars and he does not park on the road at all.
Car sales in India have increased after a steep fall in numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to NDTV, passenger vehicle dispatches to dealers in India rose over two-fold in May 2022, compared to the low numbers of May last year when the second wave of the pandemic wreaked havoc across the country.
As per the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), 2.5 lakh units of passenger units were sold in May 2022 as compared to less than 1 lakh units in May last year. These include cars and other vehicles barring two- and three-wheelers.
As per the report, less than five lakh passenger vehicles, including two and three-wheelers, were sold in May last year. The number this year crossed 15 lakh.
With inputs from agencies
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