NTA has allowed candidates to raise objections against the answer key till 27 October (11:50 pm)
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The provisional answer key for MPhil and PhD courses of Delhi University Entrance Test (DUET) 2021 has been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates who had appeared for the examination can check the answer key at the official website – https://nta.ac.in/duetexam.
Along with the answer key, the question paper and response sheet have also been released by NTA on the official website.
Steps to check and download DUET provisional answer key:
– Visit the official website, https://nta.ac.in/duetexam
– Enter your credentials such as form number and date of birth
– Your DUET answer key along with the question paper and response sheet will be displayed
– Check the answer key. If required, download or take a printout
Direct link to download answer key: http://ntaexam2021.cbtexam.in/CandidateKeyChallenge/loginpage.aspx
The examinations for MPhil and PhD were conducted by NTA between 26 September and 2 October.
The exams were computer-based and the duration was 2 hours. The papers consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions where each question carried four marks. The exams had negative marking with one mark deducted for each incorrect response.
For more details, candidates can check the information bulletin here.
NTA has allowed candidates to raise objections against the answer key till 27 October (11:50 pm). If a candidate wishes to challenge the answer key, a processing fee of Rs 200 per question has to be paid by him/her. The payment for the processing fee can be done through credit card/debit card/net banking/Paytm.
Applicants must note that in order to challenge the answer key, it is mandatory to pay the processing fee and no objection will be entertained without the receipt of the processing fee.
The answer key will be revised in case a challenge is found to be correct and the result will be prepared and released based on the revised final answer key. No grievances will be entertained with respect to the answer key, once the final result is declared.