The first exam of ISC Class 12 semester 1 will begin with English Paper 2 from 2 pm onwards and the duration for the exam is 90 minutes
Representational image. News18
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will begin the Indian School Certificate (ISC) Class 12 semester 1 examination from today, 22 November. According to the official schedule, the ISC Class 12 exams will continue till 20 December this year.
As per the schedule, the first exam of ISC Class 12 semester 1 will begin with English Paper 2 from 2 pm onwards. Also, the duration for the exam is 90 minutes.
Students attempting the exam should note that the format of the question paper for the CISCE Class 12 semester 1 examination will be multiple-choice questions (MCQ). In this format, candidates will be given question paper-cum-answer booklets, wherein students will have to mark and write the responses in the booklet.
CISCE has released some important guidelines for Class 12th ISC Exams, which are as follows:
As per the guidelines set by the Board, candidates are requested to carry their admit cards. The semester 1 hall tickets must be collected from the concerned heads of their respective schools.
Five minutes before the exam commences, candidates must be seated in the exam hall.
If an examination paper for which the student has not entered his or her name is handed to them, then they must immediately bring this to the attention of the supervising examiner.
During the exam, students are allowed to use simple electronic calculators only.
Students are directed to answer or write only that number of questions which are mentioned in the question paper- cum-answer booklet.
Additionally, on the top-sheet of the question paper, candidates must put their signatures in the mentioned space given
Along with the signature, candidates must write their Unique ID and Index Number in the space provided.
Moreover, all entries on the question-cum-answer booklet must be written with black or blue ink pen only
The CISCE has divided the ISC board examination 2022 into two semesters. The first one is currently being conducted now while the second will be held in March or April next year.