The hall tickets for the examination are expected to be available 10 days before the exam date and are likely to be released in the first week of December.
Representational image. News18
The hall tickets of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2021 will soon be put out by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Once released, the admit cards can be downloaded from the official website at
The CTET exam is scheduled to be held from 16 December to 13 January, 2022. The hall tickets for the examination are expected to be available 10 days before the exam date and are likely to be released in the first week of December.
Steps to view and download CBSE CTET 2021 hall ticket:
-Go to the official website of CBSE CTET at
-Click on the link that reads CTET December admit card 2021
-Key in your login details to access the CTET portal
-Check the CTET admit card for any discrepancy
-Download the CBSE CTET hall ticket and keep a printout for future use
If applicants encounter any discrepancy or issues in downloading the admit card, they can contact the CTET Unit for resolving the same.
The timing for the first shift is 9:30 am to 12 noon whereas the second shift timing is from 2.30 pm to 5 pm,
The CTET 2021 will be conducted in online mode, with a multiple-choice (MCQ) format. Each question will carry one mark and incorrect answers will not result in any negative marking.
There will be two papers for CBSE CTET 2021. Those candidates who wish to teach classes 1 to 5 will appear in Paper I while those who want to teach classes 6 to 8 will give the exam for Paper-II. The CBSE has also released the previous years’ question papers and candidates can view the paper on the official website of CTET.
The direct link to the question paper of January 2021 is here –
The CBSE CTET 2021 exam paper will be bilingual, in both Hindi and English. The CTET will also be conducted in 20 other languages by CBSE.
For more details on the examination and admit card, candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website regularly.