According to an official notice by the CBSE, the CTET 2021 will be conducted from 16 December, 2021 to 13 January, 2022
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The admit cards for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) December 2021 are expected to be released soon by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Once released, the hall tickets will be available on the official website of CTET,
Steps to download CTET December 2021 admit card:
Visit the official website,
Go to the link that reads CTET 2021 admit card on the homepage
As the new page opens, key in your details and login
CTET 2021 admit card will appear on the screen
Check for any discrepancy, download the document and keep a printout for future use
According to an official notice by the CBSE, the CTET 2021 will be conducted from 16 December to 13 January.
The board has given the first week of December as the tentative date for the release of admit cards. While the results are expected to release by 15 February next year.
CTET 2021 exam will be held in two shifts – first shift from 9.30 am to 12 noon and the other in the afternoon from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Candidates who want to teach classes 1 to 5 will do the first paper. Those who desire to teach classes 6 to 8 will appear for the second paper.
Applicants are also informed that the exact date and shift of the examination will be mentioned on their respective admit cards.
The information bulletin released by the board also mentioned that in case a candidate notices any discrepancy in the e-admit card such as the name, personal details, photograph, signature, or other details, he/she is required to contact the CTET unit for necessary corrections.
The examination will have Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), no negative marking and each question will carry one mark. The examination will be held in online mode and the question paper will be bilingual, in Hindi and in English.
It is to be noted that there is no restriction on the number of attempts a candidate can make for qualifying CTET. Also, the CTET qualifying certificate for appointment has validity for lifetime.
However, qualifying CTET is not a guarantee for employment. Qualifying the exam is only an eligibility criterion for appointment.