New Delhi: The Mumbai Police on Wednesday received a call on the landline number of Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital at about 12.57pm in which the caller threatened to blow up not only the medical facility but also issued threats to members of the Ambani family–the owners of the hospital.
The Mumbai Police have registered an offence and also launched an investigation. The offence has been recorded at the DB Marg Police Station and efforts are being made to trace the caller.
The caller allegedly threatened Nita Ambani–the wife of Reliance Industries Chairperson Mukesh Ambani as well as her two sons- Akash Ambani, and Anant Ambani.
This is not the first time that the Mumbai Police or the Ambani family have received such threatening calls targeting the Ambanis. Earlier in 2021, Mukesh Ambani’s security had been beefed up after an explosives-laden SUV was found parked near his Mumbai residence Antilia. The business tycoon is currently protected by the CRPF’s ‘Z+’ category security cover. His wife Nita Ambani enjoys ‘Y+’ category security cover.
The threatening call received at one of Mumbai’s largest hospitals comes days after the Centre upgraded the industrialist’s security cover to the ‘Z+’ category, after monitoring his threat perception based on inputs received from several intelligence agencies.
The billionaire is now under the protection of nearly 45 to 50 armed commandoes of the Central Reserve Police Force, which has been guarding him with ‘Z’ category security since 2013 based on payment.
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