Arjun Tendulkar was bought by Mumbai Indians at the mega auction of the IPL 2022 for Rs 30 lakh. The left-arm seamer warmed the bench for the entire season as the five-time champions didn’t pick him in the XI. There was lot of chatter on social media channels regarding Arjun not getting a game even as the franchise fielded many new faces like Tim David, Ramandeep Singh, Sanjay Yadav, Kumar Kartikeya, Hrithik Shokeen, Dewald Brevis, Tristian Stubbs.
Mumbai Indians bowling coach Shane Bond has shared his thoughts on the matter and the former Kiwi speedster feels Arjun is still work-in-progress and needs to work on his batting and fielding before finding a place in the XI.
Read: Where is Arjun Tendulkar?
“He’s got some work to go. When you’re playing for a team like Mumbai, making the squad is one thing but entering the playing XI is another. He still has a lot of hard work and development to do. When you play at this level, there’s a fine line between giving everyone a game… but you have to earn your spot too. Arjun needs to work on his batting and fielding before finding a place on the team. Hopefully, he can make those progressions and earn a spot in the team,” Bond told Sportskeeda.
Mumbai Indians had a forgettable run in the Indian Premier League as the mighty side finished at bottom of the points table with just four wins out of their 14 league matches. The only highlight of their season was the thumping win over Delhi Capitals in the league stage game which knocked the Rishabh Pant-led unit out of the competition.
Mumbai’s retained players failed to get going this season and the new acquisitions too didn’t have a consistent run. Young southpaw Tilak Verma was the lone bright spot in the otherwise disappointing campaign. Brevis was impressive too, but in patches.
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