In an incident recently witnessed at the Kabini Reserve in Karnataka, an angry elephant came charging toward a tourist vehicle after which the driver made a successful attempt and saved all the people on board
Elephants which are mostly considered one of the most peaceful animals are usually seen maintaining a calm and composed behaviour. However, if instigated, they can destroy everything around them thus making it very difficult for anyone to bring the animal under control. A similar visual was recently witnessed at the Kabini Reserve in Karnataka when an angry elephant came charging toward a tourist vehicle while the driver made a successful attempt and saved all the people on board. However, it was not the elephant’s attack but the driver’s composed gesture that caught people’s attention.
The driver who maintained his cool and didn’t panic kept a close watch on the elephant as well as on the car mirror as he continued driving the car in the backward direction as he was responsible for the safety of the tourists in his vehicle.
The driver’s skill and calm attitude have garnered him a lot of appreciation on social media. Now, the video has also caught the attention of Mahindra Group chairperson Anand Mahindra who took to Twitter and shared the video further calling him ‘Captain Cool’. As the 36-second video clearly shows the angry elephant coming towards the Bolero, the driver can be seen behind the wheel as he attempts to retreat the vehicle. Later, the elephant stopped to take a right and went into the forest.
Check his tweet here:
Calling him the ‘Best Driver’ and ‘Captain Cool’, Anand Mahindra wrote, “This was apparently at the Kabini Reserve last Thursday. I hereby anoint the man at the wheel as the best Bolero driver in the world & also nickname him Captain Cool.”
The video has been played over 900 times and has gained over 35,000 likes.
Many also took to the comment section and applauded the person’s driving skills. While one user wrote, “Dangerous encounter,…. lucky to escape. Driver’s cool and quick action to go on reverse saved them,” another user said, “He showed how to keep calm when the circumstances go out of hand. He exemplified Managing and controlling all the senses in an adverse situation is not that hard.”
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