The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has opened its online recruitment window for candidates who are seeking employment to the post of principal (Category I and II). Those who are interested can apply for the registered vacancies by visiting the official website at
Furthermore, the online application process will be on till 26 January. Candidates will be able to make their changes to the form from 27 to 31 January, 2022.
Through this recruitment drive, the Commission will fill a total of 49 posts in the organisation. Out of the total number of vacancies, 38 are for the posts of Principal (Category 2)/ Placement Officer/ Assistant Director (Technical), 10 are for backlog vacancies and one vacancy is for the principal (Category I). Candidates who want can read the official notice here.
Check here for few steps to apply for post of principal (Category I and II):
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: Search and click on the “Online Application” tab that is available under the latest section on the homepage.
Step 3: Click on “PRACHARYA (VERG-1 & VERG-2)-2021” link on the page
Step 4: After coming to this page click on registration link, then create a profile and finally login to the portal
Step 5: After logging in, select the required post to apply for and fill up all the details. Finally, pay the application fee as requested.
Step 6: Kindly, submit the required form and keep a printout of the same for future use or need.
Check the direct link to apply here.
Details on eligibility criteria and application fee:
Applicants applying for this required post should have attained the age of 25 years and should not be more than 30 years as on 1 January, 2021. Additionally, candidates should also hold a degree or at least diploma in engineering from any recognised university or college in the country.
As per the application fee, candidates from the unreserved category are advised to pay Rs 400, however candidates from SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) are eligible to pay Rs 300.