Horoscope today, 13 December: Check astrological prediction for all zodiac signs on Sunday

Horoscope Today, 13 December: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Read your daily horoscope predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

This Monday, the planet Mars moves into Sagittarius while Mercury sets up camp in the pragmatic Capricorn. As the new week begins, Taurus and Aries will focus on their career accomplishments, but Pisces and Sagittarius have to be mindful of their financial expenses. For Geminis, fostering and look after themselves is vital, and Leos will go on a ride to explore their creative pursuits.

So let’s look what the horoscope has in store for you.

Check your horoscope for today

ARIES (29 Mach – 19 April)

This is an appropriate time for Aries to expand their career through educational opportunities as Mars enters into the fiery Sagittarius, inspiring Aries with optimistic vibes required to pursue their passion. Mercury’s shift towards the practical Capricorn will help you in making sensible decisions of focusing on your accomplishments and improving your speaking and writing capabilities. When it comes to matters of love, Aries may catch feelings for someone distant but the Moon’s sextile to lucky Jupiter will encourage you to take the leap.

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

The new week begins with you reflecting on your thoughts and behavior as the desire to change and move forward has made room subconsciously in the mind. The Aries Moon shines brightly in your sector, giving you energy to move forward. Do not pressurize yourself to transform all at once. Think, ponder on the necessary changes that need to be made and act accordingly. This is also good time to begin new business ventures and invest in learning experiences.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

It’s time to nurture yourself, to set boundaries and think about what is and what isn’t working for you. Embrace your happiness and sanity by letting go of people and events that do not promote your emotional and mental wellbeing. Letting go has never been easy, but as Venus and Pluto share a cosmic alliance today, the planetary climate ushers you to let go, making way to embrace the new. As Mars shifts into the exotic Sagittarius, you are ready to put all your love and attention into a special one-on-one partnership.

CANCER (21 June – 21-22 July)

Your planets have picked alternative paths today. While Mars enters Sagittarius, motivating you to take care of professional business, Mercury shifts into Capricorn and makes you speculate upon your job. The planets will make you think upon how your work is affecting your relationship, so remember to maintain a balance between the matters of the heart and professional goals. Long, significant talks with your partner can work wonders during this time.

LEO (23 July – 23 August)

Now is the perfect time to unleash your creative side. Follow your most passionate and artsy projects, activate your fun and personal expression and permit yourself to let loose today. Do not worry about going overboard as Mercury has found its place in Capricorn today and will ensure that you stay organized within your tasks while growing significantly on a creative and personal level. The Sun also joins Mars in Sagittarius, intensifying things in your love life, especially if they have remained stagnant till now.

VIRGO (23 August – 23 September)

Dear Virgo, the Monday skies will ignite two diverse desires in you. The passionate planet of Mars will inspire you to mix things up within your domestic surroundings but Mercury will move into the somber and serious Capricorn, urging you to play with your creative side. Do not fret over your alternate inclinations. Gear up, plan, reorganize, reassess and make the changes that you wish to.

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

For Libra, the first day of the week begins with a fresh start since the Moon has moved through Aries today. There is an excited vibe that prompts you to ignite your love life. So seize the moment, flirt with a cutie, take someone out on a date or liven things up in your current relationship. In matters of work, Mars has made its way into Sagittarius, hinting to pursue your goals and keep bygones behind while taking your new ideas forward.

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

A significant growth within your finances awaits over the next several weeks as your ruling planet Mars brings focus to your bank account by journeying through the adventurous Sagittarius. Try not to get carried away by the financial shift and remember that a proactive approach to monetary goals is important. Mercury highlights your learning and communication charts, so now would be the time to organize your personal notes, files or book collections.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

Your planetary placements have set the scene for working tirelessly towards your goals, along with putting yourself first above everything else. A rush of energy will be experienced today as your personal expressions rule the charts. On the financial front, Mercury makes you ponder about your spending habits so try to make smart investments and also put some money in your savings account.

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Your to-do list must have piled up Capricorn, but you still cannot stop. It’s time to focus on domestic projects since the Aries Moon has activated the sector that rules the home. Also, keep a check on your triggering behavior because you tend to repeat unhealthy patterns. Lots of communication will take place as Mercury helps you in voicing your opinions and asserting yourself in the coming weeks.

AQUARIUS (20 January -18 February)

The Aries Moon is asking you to unveil your valiant side. Initiate all those conversations that you have been putting off and engage in important social exchanges. With Mercury moving into Capricorn, your subconscious mind will get activated and send you through an introspective ride in the coming weeks. Self-analysis and contemplation is great, but be mindful to not close off people by setting unnecessary walls.

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

You want to shop this week and its okay to treat yourself because the Aries Moon has activated the charts that rule money. However, avoid impulsive purchases that burn a hole in your pocket and stick to a budget. With Mars moving into Sagittarius, your career witnesses a boost. If the desire to get involved in community work emerges, immerse yourself in it and take a step towards that direction because Mercury has entered Capricorn, providing assistance to your career path and helping you reach milestones.

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