Why everyone is not eligible to operate a drone in India?

Just like knowing how to drive a car does not allow you to drive a car unless you have a proper licence, the same rules apply to anyone willing to fly a drone. Yes, that’s right! You will need a licence to fly a drone in India.

The draft Drone Rules, 2021 formulated under the Central Government promulgated the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules (UAS Rules), 2021, which came into force on 12th March, 2021, have suggested stricter drone flying norms in the country after two terror attacks on the Jammu airbase in June and numerous sightings of drones near the International Border and Line of Control.

What is the remote pilot licence?

The rules mention that no person other than a holder of a valid remote pilot licence enlisted on the digital sky platform shall operate a drone.Remote pilot licences shall specifically mention the class of the drone that the natural person has successfully completed the prescribed training for.The remote pilot licence shall specifically mention if the said natural person has successfully completed the prescribed training for automatic or autonomous drone operations.

Who is eligible to apply for a remote pilot licence?

The following natural persons shall be eligible for a remote pilot licence as per the draft Drone Rules, 2021.

not less than eighteen years of age and not more than sixty-five years of age;have passed class tenth or its equivalent examination from a recognised Board; andhave completed the training prescribed by the Director-General for the applicable class of remote pilot licence from an authorised remote pilot training organisation.

What is the procedure for obtaining a remote pilot licence?

After completing the prescribed training and passing the prescribed proficiency test conducted by an authorised remote pilot training organisation, the natural person shall be issued a remote pilot certificate by such authorised remote pilot training organisation through the digital sky platform, within seven days of the successful completion of such proficiency test.The authorised remote pilot training organisation shall pay the applicable fee for each remote pilot certificate issued through the digital sky platform.

The Director-General may issue the remote pilot licence to any applicant who satisfies the criteria set out in sub-rule through the digital sky platform, within 15 days from the date of issue of the remote pilot certificate by the authorised remote pilot training organisation.

How long is the remote pilot licence valid?

A remote pilot licence shall be valid only if it is enlisted on the digital sky platformA remote pilot licence shall, unless suspended or cancelled, remain valid for a period of 10 years, and may be renewed by any authorised remote pilot training organisation for the period specified therein, subject to a maximum period of ten yearsalso, the holder of the remote pilot licence undergoes such refresher courses as may be specified by the Director-General on the digital sky platform from time to time

Who all are exempted?

No remote pilot licence shall be required for a person:

operating a nano drone;operating a micro drone for non-commercial purposes.

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