New Delhi: The Delhi Police has filed a case against Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, senior journalist Rajdeep Sardesai, The Caravan magazine and others for allegedly misleading public about the death of a protester at the ITO during the violence on Republic Day, officials said on Saturday.
The case has been registered at the IP Estate police station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, police said.
Earlier, Tharoor and six journalists had been booked by the Noida Police for sedition, among other charges, over the violence during the farmers’ tractor rally in Delhi, officials had said.
Madhya Pradesh police have also filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Tharoor and the six journalists over their ‘misleading’ tweets on the violence during the farmers’ tractor rally in Delhi.
On 26 January, thousands of protesting farmers had clashed with the police during the tractor rally called by farmer unions to highlight their demand for repeal of the Centre’s three farm laws.
Many of the protesters, driving tractors, reached the Red Fort and entered the monument. Some protesters even hoisted religious flags on its domes and the flagstaff at the ramparts.