Ever since Tesla boss Elon Musk took over Twitter in October last year, he often shares bizarre posts on the platform. Thus, users give the account of the Twitter CEO a regular check seeking any fresh updates as well as funny comments. Recently, Musk modified his username on Twitter and changed it to “Mr Tweet.” While it left his followers scratching their heads wondering about the actual reason for the move, Musk himself went on to clarify it. He took to his personal account and revealed that the microblogging site is not allowing him to revert his username again. He quipped in the post, “Changed my name to Mr Tweet, now Twitter won’t let me change it back.”
As soon as the tweet caught the attention of the internet users, they were left in splits. A person sarcastically asked, “Can you change Joe Biden’s name to Mr Sleep? Asking for a friend.” Another joked, “Now, I can change my name to Elon Musk.”
An individual referred to the possible reason behind Musk’s new username. According to him, earlier this week, a lawyer standing against Musk accidentally called the Twitter boss “Mr Tweet” during a court session. However, that person named Pattrick McGee explained in another tweet, “I’m sorry there’s no recording of this. It was prohibited. But basically, Musk replied ‘Mr Tweet?’ The whole courtroom laughed. And then Musk said, “actually pretty accurate”.
Here are some other reactions:
Previously, American rapper Doja Cat went through a similar kind of issue. She changed her Twitter username to “Christmas” but could not reverse it. Then, she asked for assistance from none other than Elon Musk.
Cat wrote, “I don’t wanna be Christmas forever. Elon Musk, please help I’ve made a mistake.” It caught the attention of Musk who replied, “Working on it.”
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