It has been less than three months since Elon Musk took over as the new Twitter chief and he has already made a slew of drastic changes at the microblogging company, including many on the platform itself. From introducing new features to adding charges for the ‘Blue Tick’, Musk is already on his way to completely transforming the platform. With that said, the new Twitter CEO has now announced another upcoming change on Twitter, stating that users will now be able to read ‘directly translated’ tweets and further will also find recommendations from people in other countries and cultures.
Taking to Twitter, Elon Musk shared a series of tweets to inform users about the upcoming update. He wrote, “In coming months, Twitter will translate and recommend amazing tweets from people in other countries & cultures”, further adding that tweets will be translated right before being recommended.
He also noted that some epic tweets are made every day in other countries, especially Japan.
Besides this, Musk in a different tweet also mentioned another update stating “Next Twitter update will remember whether you were on For You (ie recommended), Following or list you made & stop switching you back to recommended tweets.”
While this change aims to ease users’ experience and further boost the involvement of people from different countries and cultures, the update has received divided reactions from people. A user wrote, “As a Ukrainian American who has lived in a few different countries, I’d love to be able to toggle between multiple locations or set preferences for regional news”.
Another person commented, “Please allow this to be toggled off.. new recommendations are great but the user should have 100% full control.”
Previous changes announced by Elon Musk
Prior to this, Elon Musk after taking charge of Twitter brought in many changes to the platform including layoffs, $8 for Blue Tick, and content council, among others. Recently, he announced updates of the ‘left-right swipe feature’ to toggle between recommended and followed tweets, a bookmark button and also the ‘long-form tweet’ feature.
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