Following Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s insistence on teaching MBBS subjects in Hindi across the government colleges in the state, a doctor while walking on the CM’s lines has already brought it into practice by prescribing medicines in Hindi. Notably, this happened on the same day when Union Home Minister Amit Shah released textbooks in Hindi for 1st-year MBBS students in Madhya Pradesh. The Hindi language prescription has gone viral on the internet and has grabbed attention, especially for writing ‘Shri Hari’ instead of Rx on the top of the slip.
The incident is from Madhya Pradesh’s Kotar village in Satna district where Dr Sarvesh Singh, deployed as a medical officer of a primary health centre (PHC) prescribed a list of medicines to a patient written in Hindi. Sharing a picture of the same on Twitter, a user named Chetan Tiwari wrote, “After the decision of the Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to implement MBBS studies in Hindi, a doctor in Satna has implemented the same. He wrote medicines to patients in Hindi…”
Check the tweet:
As evident on the piece of paper, the medicines, their dosage as well as the details of the patient have been written in Hindi. However, what majorly caught their attention was ‘Shri Hari’ on the top of the slip. Usually, doctors use the symbol ‘Rx’ to denote a medical prescription.
However, CM Chouhan during his recent speech in Bhopal contended that doctors can choose to write ‘Shri Hari’ on top of the prescriptions and then add the medicines in Hindi.
In the meantime, the prescription which has gone viral on the internet has grabbed the attention of many as some went on to hail the doctor’s move while many cracked jokes on the same. A user also wrote, “This is not Hindi. It is a mixture of Hindi and English with Devanagari scripts.”
Home Minister distributes Hindi books for MBBS students
Earlier on Sunday, 16 October 2022, Home Minister Amit Shah released Hindi textbooks of three subjects for MBBS students and called it an important day in the history of the state as Madhya Pradesh became the first state to start MBBS courses in Hindi. Notably, the move came as a part of an ambitious project by the state government which aims to impart medical education in the Hindi language.
Present on the occasion were chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and medical education minister Vishvas Sarang among several students.
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