Taking to Twitter, the BJP leader shared a video of him speaking at an event of ABVP Kashi Hindu University. In the clip, he jokingly commented about his weight, which left the audience in splits
Nagaland Higher Education and Tribal Affairs Minister Temjen Imna Along, who is known for his witty takes on social media, has done it again. Taking to Twitter, the BJP leader shared a video of him speaking at an event of ABVP Kashi Hindu University.
In the clip, he jokingly commented about his weight, which left the audience in splits. In a video shared on his official Twitter handle, the Nagaland Minister’s comments, which seemed to be an indirect acclamation about his political position as well, show him claiming that he never “broke a chair in his entire life”, despite being overweight.
As he referred to an entrepreneur, Sharad Vivek Sagar, who was also present on the stage, he further remarked that ‘Sagar Ji got worried due to broken chair’.
Check the tweet here:
“Sagar Ji got worried about a broken chair but I never broke a chair in my life. I have visited several programs and events and met a lot of people. Being aware of my weight, I make sure to carefully take a seat”, he said as the audience applauded with claps and cheers. Further sharing the video, he also asked people to suggest captions for the video on Twitter.
In the meantime, the Minister also spoke to the students present at the two-day youth parliament organised by the university. He urged them to give their best efforts for their academic careers and further develop a good relationship with each other while also maintaining their authentic identity.
BJP leader’s witty take on racist discrimination
Notably, this is not the first time when the BJP leader has joked about his body weight. Earlier in July, Temjen Imna Along, while speaking about the issue of racism faced by the people of Nagaland, said that “rumours are being spread that Naga people eat humans and they grow more suspicious after looking at me.”
“Koi log yeh fayla diya ki Naga log aadmi khata hai, woh khata hai…aur humko dekhke toh aur zyada shak hone laga (People spread rumours that Naga people eat humans, and now looking at me, they grow even more suspicious)”, he said.
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