Licypriya Kangujam later shared that the the Agra Municipal Corporation had imposed fine of Rs 1 lakh on the authority responsible for keeping the area surrounding the Taj Mahal clean.
It was an awkward moment for Samajwadi Party leader Manish Jagan Agrawal after he mistook climate activist Licypriya Kangujam to be a foreign tourist. Agrawal had tweeted a photo of the 10-year-old activist from Manipur to take jibe at the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh. The activist had earlier shared a photograph showing plastic pollution near the Taj Mahal.
Mounting an attack on the Yogi government, the politician wrote in Hindi, “Foreign tourists are also forced to show mirror to BJP-ruled Yogi government.” He added, “This filth is a bad stain on the beauty of the Taj Mahal. It is very shameful for foreign tourists to show mirror to the government. This image of India and UP has been created by the BJP government.”