The police had raided Anant’s native village Ladma under Barh police station in 2019 and seized one AK-47 and hand grenades. Anant was named accused in the FIR and charges were framed against him on 15 October, 2020
Anant Singh, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLA from Mokama, Bihar, who was found guilty in a case where the police recovered an AK-47 rifle, cartridges, hand grenades, and other weapons from his residence in Ladma in 2019, has been sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment on Tuesday by a special court in Patna.
The MP-MLA court of Triloki Dubey held Anant Singh guilty under the Arms Act, Explosive Substance Act and IPC.
Singh was convicted in the case on 14 June this year. According to a report by Hindustan Times, the prosecution had examined 13 witnesses besides documentary evidence. There were 34 defence witnesses in support of the accused.
On 16 August, 2019, the police on specific inputs raided Anant’s native village Ladma under Barh police station. During the search, the cops seized one AK-47 and hand grenades. Anant was named accused in the FIR and charges were framed against him on 15 October, 2020.
Along with the RJD MLA, caretaker of his house Sunil Ram has also been sentenced 10 years jail term by the MP-MLA court.
A report by the ToI said that Anant Singh, who is popularly known as ‘Chhote Sarkaar’, went on the run after the seizure of the arms and ammunition from his residence. He also released a video later in which he claimed that political forces were “conspiring” against him and that he would be directly surrending at the court.
The RJD lawmaker surrendered before the Saket court in New Delhi in 2019.
News agency IANS quoted Anant Singh’s lawyer Sunil Kumar saying, “We will appeal to the higher court to challenge the decision of the MP-MLA court. If we manage to get a stay from the high court against this decision, Anant Singh’s legislatorship will remain.”
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