The clip has garnered almost six lakh views to date. Several users were awestruck by the 64-year-old and called him ‘legend’. Others wished they could have a grandparent like him
While we have often heard that age is just a number, it is rare to find people who embody it. A man from Kerala recently proved the statement right and grabbed eyeballs for his football skills. In a video, 64-year-old James was seen juggling a football like a professional player.
The video was shared by Pradeep, who describes himself as a ‘freestyle footballer’ on his Instagram bio. In the clip, Pradeep passes the ball to James. The 64-year-old trucker wastes no time in showing off his soccer skills. After playing around with the ball for a few moments, James even balances the ball on his head and keeps juggling it between his shoulders and head. At the side, Pradeep stands impressed by the 64-year-old.
“I had the privilege of meeting this 64-year-old who still plays football. He drives a truck for a living and carries his Football kit with him in his lorry. He was part of the Wayanad football team and is the only one who still plays the game,” Pradeep wrote while sharing the clip. He also added that he learned from James that if you really love doing something, you should pursue it.
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The clip has garnered almost six lakh views to date. Several users were awestruck by the 64-year-old and called him ‘legend’. Others wished they could have a grandparent like him. James had earlier made headlines during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, when videos of his freestyle kicks went viral.
This is not the only instance from Kerala that has proved that age is no impediment when it comes to pursuing your dream. Some months ago, a 72-year-old woman in Kerala’s Palakkad ziplined at a park while wearing a saree. The woman had seen the zipline while strolling through the area and wanted to give it a try. A video of her fearless act won hearts online.