Today, we bring you a list of historical events that took place on the date of 12 November. From the disastrous Bhola cyclone to the start of the first drive-in banking services in America, the world has witnessed a slew of events that are unforgettable. To know in detail, read further.
November 12 – Historic events
1927 – Joseph Stalin took full control of the Soviet Union
As history states, following his continued power struggles with Joseph Stalin in the 1920s, Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Communist Party on this date. As a result of this, the event also made way for Stalin to gain complete power over the Soviet Union.
1944 – British bombers attacks the German battleship, Tirpitz
Several decades back on this day, the German battleship Tirpitz faced a major attack after British Lancaster bombers made two direct hits and a near miss which further caused the ship to capsize rapidly. While a major fire spread across the deck, the explosion led to the death of over 1,000 men onboard.
1946 – First drive-in banking service in America
On 12 November 1946, the Exchange National Bank of Chicago introduced the country’s first drive-in banking service which had 10 teller windows and sliding drawers attached to it. While the windows were bulletproof, customers could easily get cash checks and account balances, and further could carry out other money and paperwork through the drawers.
1954 Ellis Island in New York closed down
On 12 November 1954, an immigration reception centre at Ellis Island in New York closed its doors after processing over 12 million immigrants since 1892. After releasing the last remaining detainee, a Norwegian merchant seaman, the centre was officially closed by the US government.
1970 – Bhola cyclone struck East Pakistan
On the unfortunate date in 1970, the Bhola cyclone, considered one of the most devastating tropical cyclones, struck East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The events led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.
1990 Sir Tim Berners-Lee Formal proposal for the World Wide Web
A year after British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee distributed a document at CERN in Geneva, Berners-Lee along with a colleague, Robert Cailliau came back to the idea but with a meaty proposal and coined the name “World Wide Web.”
2004 Scott Peterson Convicted
On 12 November 2004, Scott Peterson was convicted of first-degree murder with special circumstances for killing his wife Laci while she was pregnant and second-degree murder for killing their unborn child.
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